Tuesday, October 22, 2019

the wars essay hero Essay Example

the wars essay hero Essay Example the wars essay hero Essay the wars essay hero Essay himself in danger for the better of Levitt and Poole and showed himself as a loyal, heroic leader. see he is commander, doesnt panic and controls the convoy. quick thinking (witted) tells Poole to use bugle. Robert got off of his horse and struck out onto the fog alone, and commanded Levitt and Poole to stay back until he found the break in the dike. he dangerously put himself at risk; doing what others wont never give up on any difficult situations. C. Point two 1. The second part of the definition of the term. 2. Craters (p. 23- 125) Highlighted his position as commander when ordering them what to do (Get out handkerchiefs and urinate on them). Displays anger and frustration at others unable to do so, due to fear. The concept he learned in chemistry class makes him a hero, as it saved his comrades from being fatally injured by the chlorine gas. ommands everyone to Jump into the crater filled with water and corpses, Soldiers fght for the gas mask and Robert pulls his gun on them, At gun point, Robert orders the soldiers to take out their handkerchiefs, He sacrifices his ask for the man with the two broken legs, Robert mandates the men to urinate on their cloths; he helps one man do so, Robert tells the soldiers to bury their faces in the cloths and put their faces down into the clay. Its the first time Robert sacrifices his mask without knowing if the wetted cloths would work. Strengthens his development to become a leader an d forces quick thinking. shows how Robert Ross progresses as a hero and demonstrates the responsibilities and pressures the war puts on an individual as is can make them think irrationally. It also shows how eamwork is the most valuable tactic in surviving battle. It gives a more visual outlook to the reality Robert experiences in the war as he expresses fear and quick thinking. trust as it demonstrates how trust in yourself, others and methods of survival is critical to moving forward in battle. The fear shown by characters is what forces trust and cooperation with others. All right, he said, you sons-of-bitches do exactly what I say. One of the men began to run. Robert fired. The man fell down but was not hit, Robert having missed him on purpose. Now, he said. If you want to live you have about twenty seconds. Get out your handkerchiefs. (Findley 139). This quote emphasizes the fear and how during war you need to be quick on your feet and always fearful for what is to come. Fo r a moment they ceased to be soldiers and became eight panic-stricken men who were trapped in the bottom of a sink hole, either about to be drowned or smother to death with gas. Eight men and one mask. Robert had to fght to keep it and he ended up kicking both the living and the dead (Findley 138). This quote emphasizes, that although they are regular men fighting and being strong for their country, they still feel fear and are willing to sabotage other soldiers lives to save their own. But the poor daft crazy was so afraid and so confused that he put the cloth on top of his head (Findley 140). This quote emphasizes how war causes people to lose their sense of rationality and act upon situations in an unusual way because of the extreme pressure to survive. Robert Ross and his fellow soldiers lives are put on the line when they are fac hlorine gas, and as a result they develop trust, cooperation and irrationality. D. Point three 1 . The third part of the definition (if there is one) ed with 2. Shooting Captain Leather to save horses (p. 183- 184)- Bravery shown, Im going to break ranks Leather is insane. Kept running even when barn was burning, Just keep goi ng. If an animal had done this, then shoots Leather as getting up to his feet. Heroic as some would be afraid of their Captains, rather than doing what may be right. Leaders do the right things, managers do things right). Isnt afraid of consequences and ready to step outside of comfort zone Devlin also expressed fears of being reprimanded by Leather, before finally concurring. It cannot be called disobedience to save these animals when theyll be needed, for Gods sake, half-an-hour after this is over. And if we stay here, how can they avoid being killed? (Findley,202) Captain Leather was about to shoot Robert because he did not want him to free up the horses. He was waving the gun in the air and trying to get hrough the circle of horses and mules so that he could draw a bead on Robert. (Findley, 202) The shells eventually killed all the horses and mules. Robert was very enraged. He thinks that it was all Captain Leathers fault so he killed him. He paused for the barest moment looking at the whole scene laid out before him and his anger rose to such a pitch that he feared he was going to go over into madness Leather rose to his knees and began to struggle to his feet. Robert shot him between the eyes. (Findley, 203)

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