Thursday, October 3, 2019

Analysis of E-Tailing Service Quality Essay Example for Free

Analysis of E-Tailing Service Quality Essay Their study focused on the consumers’ purchase and delivery (PD) choices, as part of a broader e ort to understand consumers’ shopping behavior. The present article begins by criticizing the content validity of E-S-QUAL (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Malhotra 2005), the principal academic measure of e-retailer service quality, which is probably the most important construct in contemporary services research. Joel E. Collier et al. , (2006) in their article extended the work on e-service quality to encompass not only Web site interactivity or process quality but also outcome quality and recovery quality. A conceptual framework of e-service quality is proposed and empirically tested that combines process, outcome, and recovery dimensions. Contrary to previous service quality studies, formative instead of reflective indicators are used to conceptualize e-service quality. Their study found empirical support for the use of formative indicators and the three-dimensional approach to conceptualizing e-service quality. Liao. C, et al. , (2006) evaluated using structural equation modeling. Results show that consumers’ behavioral intentions to continue using a B2C web site are determined by all three key drivers: perceived usefulness, trust, and habit. Furthermore, not all dimensions of web quality have a significant effect on perceived usefulness and trust. Hao-erl Yang,s (2007), study stated that e-quality metric needs continued development and validation when measuring customer’s satisfaction and loyalty in e-shopping environment. Jamie Carlson Aron O’Cass (2009), study examined that impact of e-service quality attributes on the development of flow, and further investigates the impact flow has on consumers’ Website loyalty and word-of-mouth behavior. Most companies try their best to continually satisfy their customers because customer satisfaction seems to be an important barometer of customer’s behavioral intentions and has been regarded as an important antecedent of loyalty. Eduard Cristobal Fransi and Frederic Marimon Viadiu, paper analyzed various elements that influence the purchasing behaviour of online consumers. These elements include the aesthetic aspects of a website and the interactive processes that take place at the time of purchase. The study analyses the expectations and perceptions of a sample of Spanish online customers. On the basis of these attitudes, the sample of respondents is segmented. In addition, the main factors that determine online service satisfaction are identified. The analysis thus allows differentiation of both customers and service quality. The paper concludes with recommendations for online retailers who wish to operate a successful ‘virtual’ retail outlet. Noor et al. , (2007), study explored the internet service quality in service industry particularly in e-ticketing for transportation services. The primary data for this study was collected through web observation. Result shows that appearance and linkages are among the two most important determinants that should be used when measuring the quality of internet services. Through the findings, a guideline of the transportation websites regarding the important features could be developed. The findings show that e-ticketing websites would be an advantage to have all these features in order to increase user satisfaction in doing online transactions. Nittana Sukasame focused on the e-service quality dimensions in successfully establishing ecommerce ventures. Consequently, success is measured in terms of growth rate. The following factors selected from previous studies on e-service quality linked to successful e-commerce entrepreneurs are proposed: content, accessibility, ease of use, reliability, responsiveness, and security. Additionally, the factor linked specifically to e-service domain enhancing automatic tasks such as self-service technology is examined. His study could generate different views on the e-service quality paradigms associating with the competitive success of the e-commerce entrepreneurs.

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