Saturday, October 5, 2019

Primary Source Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Primary Source Analysis - Essay Example Class struggles arise when the rulers exploit the ruled leading to the negative relationship they share. When the exploitation has become too much the ruled struggle to get power, and finally they become victors because they are many. Therefore, he points out that history is dynamic and progressive in the sense that has power changes hands from the rulers to the ruled, history changes and progress is achieved. He also describes the modern material world of the bourgeois, which is the most progressive class in terms of material things like technology, private property, communication and transportation (Marx & Engels, 1948). They value money, and therefore they oppress the proletarians who are the workers. The workers receive no pay and, therefore, suffer. Even internationally, the bourgeois trade unfairly by buying at a very cheap price but selling very expensively. The proletarians suffer and decide to struggle for power but at first, they fail because they are not united. Finally, they take over power because they become united against the bourgeois with the support of a few bourgeois. He advocates for the abolition of the private property because it is the cause of exploitation and class struggles (Marx & Engels, 1948). These will lead to a classless society which private property belongs to the state. In this context, the reader is left to find out other ways of eliminating the exploitation of the ruled in the society and how we can be part of the change the society we live in. we should not sit and wait for someone to come from outside to bring the change we want. The change should come from within. Unity brings change. Das Kapital is another source by Karl Marx that supports the communist manifesto by highlighting the plight of the worker and their relationship with capitalists. This work shows how much workers are exploited in this state of capitalism (Wheen, 2007). The capitalist

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