Monday, September 30, 2019

Gender Empowerment Measure

Gender Empowerment Measure or GEM is a system used in measuring the gender inequality of a nation when it comes to both the political and economic opportunities. Using data from different nations, GEM is able to ranked nations on how the gender inequality issue is improving over time. The system used a more complex formula when it comes to measuring the political and economic participation of women relative to that of men. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) used four indicators in order to create a composite GEM.These indicators are seats held by women in parliament, female professional and technical workers, female administrators and managers, and the real GDP per capita of women. A GEM table is an indicator of gender inequality between different nations. It captures three major areas of gender inequality among nations. The first area is the extent to which women participate in decision-making in terms of political aspect. The second is the economic participation of wom en as well as their decision-making power. The third area is the measure of the power that women exert over the nations economic resources.In the 2009 Human Development report, Sweden was ranked first in GEM with 47% sets in parliament held by women, 32% female legislators, senior officials and managers, 51% female professional and technical worker and 0. 67 ratio of estimated female to male earned income. The figures show that Swedish women enjoy the most gender equality than any other nation included in the report. GEM is also a measure of how the inequality between men and women are changing through time. Thus, having a greater GEM means that a country is likely to develop a sense of equality between the role of men and women in society. Reference Human Development Report (2009). Gender Empowerment Measure and its Components.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Harmful Algal Blooms and Aquaculture

Harmful Algal Blooms and how they are Linked to Aquaculture Abstract Harmful algal blooms cause a wide range of negative effects on aquaculture. These effects are come from the complexity of harmful algal species; the toxins they create and morphology they have adapted. Science still lacks a full understanding of factors that are envolved in blooms formation. Aquaculture and harmful algal blooms are directly related because it is one of many anthropogenic factors that unintentionally produce the conditions that promote harmful algal blooms.The methods of production, feeds used, waste produced can lead to nutrient loading and eutrophic conditions by releasing essential nutrients into water that are necessary for algal growth. Phosphorus and nitrogen compounds are two of the main byproducts or aquaculture that are associated with bloom formation. To minimize the effects of harmful algal blooms on aquaculture you must understand the diversity and complexity of harmful algal blooms and t heir relationship with aquaculture. Abstract Harmful algal blooms cause a wide range of negative effects on aquaculture.These effects are come from the complexity of harmful algal species; the toxins they create and morphology they have adapted. Science still lacks a full understanding of factors that are envolved in blooms formation. Aquaculture and harmful algal blooms are directly related because it is one of many anthropogenic factors that unintentionally produce the conditions that promote harmful algal blooms. The methods of production, feeds used, waste produced can lead to nutrient loading and eutrophic conditions by releasing essential nutrients into water that are necessary for algal growth.Phosphorus and nitrogen compounds are two of the main byproducts or aquaculture that are associated with bloom formation. To minimize the effects of harmful algal blooms on aquaculture you must understand the diversity and complexity of harmful algal blooms and their relationship with a quaculture. Andrew Blajda Introduction Over the last several decades harmful algal blooms events or HABs are believed to be increasing in frequency and geographic range. The reported increase is a major concern because of the wide scale impact they have on he environment and human activities. The effect of HABs on aquaculture can be very damaging with reduced growth, mortalities or accumulation of toxins. If aquaculture operations take place in the open bodies of water they have little or no way of avoiding incoming blooms. Harmful algal bloom events that come in contact with aquaculture operations often have negative effects that can include student growth, weakened immunity, mortalities, and on economic losses.One of the bigger concerns today is the apparent increase in harmful bloom events. Researchers have linked this increase with anthropogenic activities, aquaculture being one of them. Aquaculture operations adds additional nutrients to the system, this lowers nutrients that l imits algal growth. A better understand of the dynamics and characters the form and make up a bloom combined with the a better understanding of nutrient loading of aquaculture could potentially help reduce the negative effects harmful algal blooms have on aquaculture.Single celled microscopic algae like phytoplankton are the most globally abundant species and one of the oceans’ most important resources. These autotrophic primary producers form the bottom of the food pyramid, acting as the primary source of food for larval finfish, crustaceans, filter feeding bivalves, and other species (Hallengraeff, 1995). In normal concentrations, these single celled algae work in balance with the ocean and its inhabitants, filling important roles in chemical and nutrient cycles. They act as primary producers, providing nutrients and food for variety of different species.These simple microscopic species are vitally important to the success of both fisheries and aquaculture, but in some situ ations they can also have detrimental effects on the marine and coastal environment and numerous terrestrial and marine species. A combination of physical, chemical, biological, hydrological, and meteorological events can generate appropriate conditions that allow these simple single celled microalgae can exhibit exponential growth and reproduction. These natural events create the opportunity for algal bloom formation with potential large scale negative effects throughout the area they cover (Graham, 2007).Algal blooms can be very diverse and differ from one another in many ways . How they form, the algal specie of causation, characteristics and dynamics of a blooms, the species they affect, and impacts they cause are some of the complex factors that are found in blooms (Zingone & Enevoldsen, 2000). The specific characteristics used to define a harmful bloom vary by sources. Hans Paerl, among others, defined harmful blooms by using several characteristics. Paerl also defined harmful blooms at their most basic level by classifying them as having nuisance conditions, meaning ecological and/or economic impacts (Paerl, 1988).As harmful algal blooms move across the ocean, the observable effects they cause go beyond the ocean and marine species it covers. These events will also have wide spread negative impacts on costal terrestrial organism and both human health and activities. Algal species produce sevral different toxins that are detrimental effects to human health, causing various illnesses and mortalities. About 10% of foodborne disease in the United States results from algal toxins; worldwide they cause more than 60,000 intoxications a year. Van Dolah, 2000) Economic losses due harmful algal blooms have been estimated in the tens of millions of dollars, from costs of beach clean ups, decreased tourism, and closing or stopping sales of commercial fisheries and aquaculture (Van Dolah et al. , 2001). Over the past several decades there has been an apparent increa se in the frequency and geographic range of harmful algal blooms. This apparent increase has been attributed to both increased observations and focus on harmful algal blooms and increased inputs from anthropogenic sources.Aquaculture is one of many anthropogenic activities that is believed to be hypernutrification and eutrophic conditions in surrounding bodies of water. This paper will attempt to gain a better understanding of diversity of harmful algal blooms and also the effect aquaculture has on the environment in adding in formation of harmful algal blooms. Algal Blooms Historically algal blooms are a naturally occurring phenomenon in earth’s oceans and have been observed throughout recorded history (Hallegraeff, 1993).These events are often beneficial to bivalves by supplying an abundant food supply to these filters feeding that relay on microalgae for their source of nutrients. Algal blooms can quickly turn into detrimental to the environment and its inhabitants are var ious ways (Leverone, 2007). Sources from human history including the bible may contain the first documented cases of algal blooms. In Exodus 7: 20-21 referring to one of the plaques on Egypt â€Å"all the waters that were in the river turned to blood, and the fish that was in the river died†.Some historians and scientist now believe this biblical reference from 1,000BC could be the first written record of an algal bloom. (Hallegraeff, 1993) Other historical sources may have unknowing recorded written evidence on algal blooms, in China around 200AD general Zhu Ge-Ling documented sicknesses and losses of military personnel after drinking from a river that was stained green. (Chorus & Bartram, 1999) Examination of fossil algal specimens and historical reference compounding evidence that these event are not a new phenomenon and have been occurring in earth’s oceans for thousands if not millions of years.Recent finding from numerous long term studies conducted around the wo rld has brought a strong belief in the scientific community that algal blooms have been increasing in their frequency and geographic distribution. Even though most scientiest support the idea of a global increase of blooms and twith strong evidence supporting this theroy there is still a major dissagreement about what is causing the increase (Pelley, 1998). The apparent increase of algal blooms, along with the global impacts on aquatic organisms, the environment, human health, and activities has increased interest and research being done on these events (Li et al. 2002; Van Dolah et al. , 2001). The exact characteristics and descriptions that define an algal bloom are fairly broad and very from source to source. I was unable to find a universal definition of algal blooms. The description and definition I came across were similar but differed in many aspects; this included sizes, formation factors, impacts, and algal species. Overall algal blooms are generally defined significant inc rease in biomass due to a rapid reproduction of a single microalgal species.The problem with this source is there can also be macroalgal blooms. Others described them as forming high density populations, with some species creating visible discoloration of the water. (Carstensen, Henriksen, & Heiskanen, 2007; Diersing, 2009) Others define blooms by impacts they cause; displacing indigenes species, destroy habitat, oxygen depletion, and alter biochemical cycles. (Hoagland et al. , 2002) A more generalized definition was given by Hallegraeff, adding that a bloom must have at least million cells per liter (Hallegraeff, 1993).The defining characteristic that differentiates a bloom from a harmful algal bloom is when they takes on a destructive roll and causes environment impacts. The term harmful is defined more specifically as causing negative impacts on the environment and adverse effects on both aquatic and terrestrial organisms. This is due to factors such as toxins they produce, spec ie specific cell physical structure causing damage to aquatic organisms or by accumulation of biomass affect naturally occurring organisms causing alterations food web dynamics and biochemical cycles (Anderson et al. 2002). Depending on the species, some algae produce toxins that can affect crustaceans, fish, shellfish, birds and mammals including humans; nontoxic species can still causes damage by blocking light from penetrating the water column, clogging or damaging gills, and creating anoxic conditions from accelerated decomposition as they die off (Silver et al. , 2006; Sellner et al. , 2003) Harmful alga can also have impacts on shoreline coastal habitats, toxins can be transported onto the shore by sea spray (Hoagland et al. , 2002).There are over 5,000 know photoplanktonic algal species that inhabit the marine waters only a small portion, about 300 species are known to have blooming capabilities and even fewer, about 40-80 species or 2-3% of all photoplantonic algal species a re known to have toxic chemicals producing capabilities; this includes members that form red tides (Hallegraeff, 1993; Smayda, 1997). Nontoxic red tides are not uncommon, today people often incorrectly or mistakenly refer to toxic algal blooms as red tides even when brown, green or colorless (Anderson, 1994).Toxic and other harmful algal species are ubiquitous throughout the marine and freshwater environment; the majority of the time they present at low population densities that cause few, if any and only minor impacts on the environment and its local inhabitants (Van Dolah, 2000). There are a variety of different phycotoxins algal species are able to synthesize; individual species will only produce one type of toxin. The evolutionary advantages of these toxins are not fully understood; they are believed to play a role in bloom formation and predator protecting (Nehring, 1993).The different phycotoxins vary from one another in terms of the impacts and degree of damage they have on m arine and terrestrial organisms, depending on the toxicity, the concentration, and the organisms. Toxicity vary among algal species Dinophysis is one example, they have the ability to produce toxins that have negative effects at densities as low as 100 cells per L-1 (Sellner et al. , 2003). The most toxic algal species are mainly found in dinoflagellets (Table 1) with some having toxicity greater than venomous snakes. Table 1.Toxicity of several phycotoxins created different organisms including algae. (Van Dolah, 2000) The taxonomic algal groups’ dinoflagellets, raphidophyetes, cynobactria, and some diatoms are known to have the capabilities of phycotoxins production; these species are often the culprit behind harmful algal blooms. Phycotoxins are toxic chemicals created biologically by photosynthetic organisms. Dinoflagellets are one of the predominate species that forms red tides; members of this group also produce toxin that lead to foodborne illness and human mortalities (Li et al. , 2002; Hallegraeff et al. 1995). Human induced illnesses are not an uncommon result from consumption of seafood. Many algal toxins are potentially dangerous and even deadly to humans. Toxins accumulate in tissues of organisms like shellfish, finfish, and crustaceans that come in contact with a toxic bloom. These species are usually far less affected by algal toxins having adaptive mechanisms that lower the effects on the organisms associated with toxic blooms. However toxins still accumulate within the tissues and detoxification can take weeks before they reach levels safe for human consumption.Algal toxins cause for concerns for humans not only because they maintain their toxicity long after the bloom but more importantly because they can withstanding heat from cooking. Algal toxin foodborne diseases are caused by various species or toxins and come from different vectors. Bivalve vectors can induce human illness that include (Table 2) paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) , neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP), amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP); other vectors can lead to various other diseases as well (Van Dolah, 2000).The popular term of red tide given to harmful algal bloom comes from compact, high densities of algal cells that containing red photosynthetic pigments, causing the water to appear red (Carstensen et al. , 2007). These toxic species can normally be found in low concentrations have no impacts on organisms and environment. The adverse effects on organism often deepened on cell concentration; in blooms toxic algae aggregate and are more dangerous (Van Dolah, 2000).Some toxic algal species have developed unique life cycles and morphological characteristics that allow them to occupy a specific niche that will be further examined. Table 2. Foodborne and environmental disease caused by harmful algal species, the toxin produced and the primary vector they inhabit. (Van Dolah, 2000) Harmful algal species ha ve many adverse impacts on bivalves’ this includes a wide range of sub-lethal and lethal effects; some algal species are more detrimental than others (Leverone, 2007). It is believed that increase frequency of blooms is partially due to the introduction of non-indigenous algal species.Non-indigenous species potentially will create a specific niche, and/or out compete native species. Indigenous naturally occurring harmful algal species are far less direct effects on bivalves; this is because they have been able to naturally adapt to their presence over time. Native algal species in most case do not have as bad direct, detrimental impacts on shellfish and are usually not associated with large scale bivalve die off. The exception to this is in cases of intense blooms (Matsuyama & Shumway, 2009; Nehring, 1993; Zingone & Enevoldsen, 2000).It’s still hard to truly say many large scale die-offs and increase sub-lethal impacts are directly due to non-indigenous algal species b ecause identification is sometimes difficult, longer term data individual algal species geographic ranges are limited combined, and the theory anthropogenic factors are causing an overall increase in blooms. In many circumstance of HAB mortalities it’s difficult to differentiate whether they resulted from the algal specie or unfavorable water quality that coincide with blooms (Anderson et al. , 2002; Leverone, 2007).Complex morphology are found in many harmful algal species that helps protect them from predation and the environment and help obtain nutrients. Diatom algae are members of the Bacillariophyceae class; they have been around for over 180 million years helping to create earth’s atmosphere and also play a major role in nutrient and chemical cycles. Over their evolutionary history diatoms have developed a variety of different exterior cellular morphology for protection from the environment and predation. They have a range of cell shapes and sizes and also form unique frustule cell walls made from silica.The frustule cell wall is made up of two over lapping overlapping silica bands forming a protective shell. The 100,000 diatom species have developed â€Å"seeming infinite variations† of cell wall micropatterns and structures; including ridges, spines and plates (Kroger & Poulsen, 2008) These cellular morphological characteristics help protect them under adverse environmental conditions and restrict or prevent predation. Some species of diatoms have developed such strong cell walls with structural properties that enable them to survive ingestion and escape after passing through the digestive system. (Merkel, et al. 2003) The benefits of these structures do have negative effects and come at the expense of motile abilities, limits growth, and makes the cell very dense; motile restorations and high cell densities make diatoms much more likely to sink out of the high nutrient water column. Bloom Formation The intricacy of bloom formatio n is due to both the abiotic(environmental and anthropogenic factors) and biotic factors; these being the algae themselves. Adaptations of life cycle, morphology, and environmental conditions enable rapid reproduction of certain algal species that have developed specific niches (Sellner et al. 2003; Zingone & Enevoldsen, 2000). Algal blooms formation driven by the complex relation between the environmental factors and algal species; although we understand the basics of formation there are still many unknowns. There are seemingly endless amounts of variables and factors that play a role in creating of a bloom. The main driving factors of when and where a bloom forms are a combination of environmental/anthropogenic factors (nutrient cycles and inputs) and algal morphology (Pinckney et al. , 1997; Sellner et al. ,2003).As simple as it sounds, there are countless variables including natural condition, anthropogenic effects, algal physiological and morphological characteristics that lead to the unpredictability and overall misunderstanding we still have on blooms. (Sellner et al. , 2003; Anderson, 1994) The belief that algal blooms are increasing in frequency and geographic range is a popular belief that is backed by numerous studies. The cause of this apparent increase has been attributed to the expanding human population (anthropogenic effects).Some still argue that the increase in blooms is due to the increase in observations from studies worldwide, a better understanding of blooms and better record keeping; but with overwhelming evidence supporting the lateral it’s hard to believe the human race is not playing a major roll. (Sellner et al. , 2003) Looking at the numer of literary reference to harmful algal bloom over 70 years(figure 1) shows a dramitic increase algal blooms from the 1920’s through late 1990’s (Hallegraeff, 1993). This also give arguments that increase research and technology contriubute to the increase ovserevd.Figure 1. Li terary references of harmful algal blooms from Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstract (AFSA) publications over about 70 years. The increase can be attributed to a combination of anthropogenic factors or increased observations and present arguments for both sides. (Hallegraeff, 1993) Today we have an understanding of the natural environmental processes and factors that lead to bloom formation; but the effects humans apply to the environment alter the natural cycles making it more difficult to predict blooms (Paerl, 1988).Blooms occur under irregular conditions that promote growth and reproduction allowing some species to flourish. The conditions found in blooms broad and often species’ specific adding to the complexity and unpredictability of blooms. In general the conditions associated with blooms are abundance (eutrophic), or an imbalance of nutrients, along with favorable water conditions (temperature, DO, salinity, etc. ). Natural processes like atmospheric deposition, wa ter column turnover, upwelling, oceanic currents, storms, and anomalous weather events (El Nino) work together and fluctuate over time effecting mixing rates, water quality.Nutrients pools build up over time from organic decomposition in benthic sediment. Mixing of the sediment perelapses the nutrient pools and bring about eutrophic conditions or alter the water chemistry that enable specific species of algae to flourish (Sellner et al. , 2003; Van Dolah, 2000; Paerl, 1988). Natural mixing rates occur during regularly during temporal or seasonal with environmental fluxes or randomly from disturbances (natural anthropogenic). Sediment mixing are very important environment processes, releasing nutrients back into the water column allowing for increased primary producer growth.Seasonal and temporal sediment mixing produce lead to the specific conditions that form blooms. Eutrophication has been defined as â€Å"an increase in supply of organic matter to the ecosystem; in terms of alga l bloom this refers to an increase in nutrients that allows an increase of primary production† (Bonsdorff et al. , 1997). Three key nutrients, nitrates ammonia and phosphates are associated with eutrophication and considered the driving forces behind bloom (Sheng, Jinghong, Shiqiang, Jixi, Dingyong, & Ke, 2006). The levels found in marine waters are driven naturally based on natural events discussed above.Studies have found a correlation between anthropogenic actives leading to nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient loading and the apparent increase in frequency of algal blooms along with alteration of natural nitrogen/phosphorus ratio (Bonsdorff et al. , 1997; Paerl, 2009). There are various anthropogenic activities that have led to the both local and global increase of nutrients in fresh and marine waters. Aquaculture is just one of many of these activities. Many studies have shown that aquaculture operations have byproducts that can cause eutrophic conditions.Nutrient loading fro m aquaculture only has local effects and the amount of effects it causes is size dependent (Anderson et al. , 2002). Aquaculture and Nutrient Loading It is important to understand the relationship between aquaculture and harmful algal blooms. Additional nutrients from the feed used, effluent discharge, and waste products are some of the source that lead to nutrient loading (Tacon & Forster, 2003). The amount of additional nutrients added to a system increases based on how intensive the operation is.HABs have wide spread negative impacts on aquaculture, the hope of significantly minimizing these impacts are still years away. To minimize the effects on aquaculture you must understand characteristics and dynamics of blooms, this includes the diversity of species involved and the factors associated with bloom formation. The apparent increase frequency and geographic range of harmful algal blooms is very important to aquaculture because aquaculture plays a role in helping create the cond itions necessary for bloom formation.Aquaculture operations provided year round nutrient inputs in a local aspect, this eliminates nutrient limitations in those areas (Bonsdorff et al. , 1997). This section will discuss and review the relationship aquaculture has with nutrient loading and eutrophication of the surrounding water. Nitrogen and phosphors are to key elements that take on various forms necessary for bloom formation. Both nitrogen and phosphors in the forms of nitrates, ammonia, phosphates and other compounds are byproducts of aquaculture.Algal growth is limited by nutrient availability, mainly based on availability of nitrogen and phosphors in the environment. Nitrogen in the forms of nitrates and ammonia are water soluble and enter the system from either dissolved feeds, effluent discharge, or from waste produced by fish. Phosphates often accumulate mainly in the sediment and during mixing events are released into the water in high quantities (Karakassis, Pitta, & Krom, 2005). Nutrient loading from aquaculture that leads to eutrophic conditions come from several sources. The amount and source of the nutrients depends on the operation.Location of farm (open ocean, ponds, raceways etc. ), what is being cultured (shrimp, finfish, bivalves), what are the inputs (feeds, fertilizer, etc. ) and how intensive the operation is. The source of local nutrient loading from aquaculture can be traced back to where the operation is taking place. Open ocean farming of finfish for instance causes eutrophic conditions right around the cages. On the other hand inland facilities such as pond systems and other flow through systems release effluent discharge causing nutrient in the and around the bodies of water they run into.The species being cultured also plays a major role. Bivalves for instance play a role in limiting algal growth by filter feeding, while finfish inputs and excreting essential nutrients in their waste is a major source of nutrients (Soto & Mena, 199 1). How intensive an operation is and the actual inputs into the system are directly related. The more intensive an operation the more inputs and the more inputs the greater chance of hypernutrification and eutrophic conditions. Different operations require different inputs and these inputs have different nutrient atios. Culture of some juvenile finfish require fertilization to promote phytoplankton growth for feed this puts the essential nutrients for algal growth directly into the system. The feeds used in aquaculture vary on the nutrients they are made up of, how stable they are and whether they float or sink. These factors are all in play in nutrient loading that come directly from aquaculture (Islam, 2005). The effects of aquaculture feeds on nutrient loading depend on several factors. There are three main factors these include; 1) the amount of wasted feed.This is due to poor farming and management practice and floating Vs. sinking feeds. Poor management practices means over o r an improper feeding technique that puts more feed in the water. Floating and sinking feed choices is also important. Sinking feeds may not be eaten by finfish if they go through the bottom of a net or cage, or if they sit on the bottom. On the other hand floating feeds may be less stable or uneaten if they are transported out of a system or to a place where they are unable to be eaten. 2) The actual quality of the feed.This poor stability and high solubility of feed pellets in water mean that once they are in the water they will be broken down and release more and nutrients and in less time. The final factor is deals is loosely related to the previous two. 3) Once the feed is ingested factors such as limitations of absorption and retention of the nutrients from the feed. This factor deals mainly with poor digestibility or metabolism of the species being culture to the feed they are given. The nutrients in the feeds many not be utilized to their full potential once ingested fish wi ll excrete the excess nutrients (Soto & Mena, 1991).Feed and nutrient inputs play a major role in nutrient loading and creating the conditions that promote algal growth either directly in the form of uneaten feeds or nutrients leaching or dissolving from the feeds, or indirectly from the digestion, metabolism and waste products from the species being cultured (Tacon & Forster, 2003). The important of feeds in nutrient loading must not be overlooked one study estimated that 70% of phosphorus and 30-50% of nitrogen in feeds is not utilized by fish and is released into the environment (Soto & Mena, 1991).This only shows two of the most essential nutrients associated with bloom formation and not the various other nutrients that are also released and are important for algal growth. This also shows the significance of feeds based on the large amount of nutrients that are not utilized and instead entering the environment, promoting algal growth. Over all aquaculture farm operations lead to excessive amounts of inorganic and organic fertilizer, feeds, and wastes that are put into local water bodies with high concentrations nutrient, that lead to nutrient loading and eutrophic conditions.Discussion and Conclusions Aquaculture over the last several decades has grown globally in both its production and popularity. In the future aquaculture will continue to grow in its importance to the human population as alternative food source to agriculture and wild fisheries, as well as helping with the depleted ocean stocks. As of now it appear that we will be seeing an increase in aquaculture around the world in the years to come. Although there are many benefits to aquaculture and the potential of increased production may have we must measure the benefits against the environment impacts they cause.Nutrient loading is just one of the environmental impacts associated with aquaculture and the effects of nutrient loading go beyond promotion of algal blooms. The global increase in aqua culture coincides with the apparent increase in harmful algal. Although there are many other anthropogenic factors that are at play in global nutrient loading aquaculture is a major local point-source form. We must understand the specific conditions that are associated blooms and the role aquaculture plays along with how complex and diverse blooms can if we hope to develop mechanisms that can significantly reduce the impacts on aquaculture.I choose the topic of harmful algal blooms and aquaculture effects of nutrient loading because it fits in perfect with our class: aquaculture and the environment. The purpose of this paper was to gain a general understanding of harmful algal blooms, and also to review the factors of aquaculture that lead to nutrient loading, eutrophic conditions, and the aid in bloom formation. This topic caught my attention because of similar topics I’ve cover and work I’ve done this semester in this class and others classes.Harmful algal blooms in general are very interesting because of the diversity of blooms, the range of effects they have, how unique the species involved are, and because of the complexity and over all lack of understanding have in factors of bloom formation. The purpose of this class included reviewing the impact of aquaculture on the environment and methods of reducing or eliminating those impacts. This paper focuses on harmful algal blooms and how aquaculture creates conditions that promoted bloom formation.I focused a great deal of this paper on harmful algal blooms because if you hope to minimize the impacts they cause you must appreciate and understand their complexity and also understand the relation they have with aquaculture. The purpose of this paper was not to examine direct ways in which to minimize nutrient inputs of harmful algal blooms but the information given on harmful algal blooms and the role aquaculture plays in promoting bloom formation is useful to future studies and reviews focusing on ways to minimize the impacts of HABs on aquaculture and help reduce the factors of aquaculture that promote harmful bloom formation.Bibliography Anderson, D. M. (1994). Red Tides. Scientific American Vol. 271, No. 2, 52-58. Anderson, D. M. , Glibert, P. M. , & Burkholder, J. M. (2002). Harmful Algal Blooms and Eutrophication: Nutrient Sources, Composition, and Consequences . 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Saturday, September 28, 2019

Plato's Academy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Plato's Academy - Essay Example Although Plato did deliver his lectures there, "the metaphysical theories of the director [Plato] were not in any way 'official' and the formal instruction in the Academy was restricted to mathematics" (Chermiss 1980, p.18). In other words, the Academy was an association of highly educated people engaged in independent research and studies. As the founding father of the Academy, Plato became its first Head (scholarch) and remained at this position for forty years. Plato's immediate successor as the Head of the Academy was his 40-year old nephew Speusippus (347-339 BC) who, after his uncle's death in 347BC, remained scholarch for the next eight years. According to his contemporaries, Speusippus was a proliferate writer who produced many works written in the form of treatise and dialogues. Unfortunately, we have only few of the texts attributed to him: the information on Speusippus ideas and doctrines is primarily retrieved from third party sources (Dilon 2003). The scarce information available these days makes it clear that despite his familial connection with Plato, Speusippus could barely be named as the continuator of his uncle's major ideas. In particular, Speusippus rejected the famous Theory of Forms developed by Plato during his years at the Academy. Besides, Speusippus believed that the Good was secondary while Plato maintained the Good was ultimately primary. Also, Speusippus claimed it was not possible to have comprehensive knowledge of any thing without understanding of the properties that distinguish this thing from other things. These views differed substantially from the principles argued by Plato in his broad philosophic doctrine. And only in his works dedicated to ethics, Speusippus abided by the views similar to those of Plato: he further elaborated Plato's ideas of citizenship, justice and legislation as well as opposed the hedonistic theory of the value of life proposed by Aristippus of Cyrene, founder of the Cyrenaic sc hool. Speusippus also studied the science of numbers and, contrary to Plato, rejected the theory of ideal numbers (the Platonic Forms of numbers) which further led him to rejection of the Platonic concept of ideas in general (Smith 2007, III, pp. 893-894). In 339BC, Xenocrates of Chalcedon, a renowned philosopher and mathematician, became the next scholarch of the Academy. Xenocrates did abide by the views of Plato and further elaborated the ideas and theories of his famous predecessor often using mathematical instruments and elements in doing so. In particular, Xenocrates contributed significantly to the studies of demonology (Platonic theology). The scholar believed that duality and unity were gods which ruled the world and pervaded all things while the human soul was a self-moving number and that the demonical powers that also existed in the universe acted as an intermediate link or channel between the divine and the soul: "Xenocrates distinguishes three cosmological causes: the Forms as original patterns, the demiurge, and matter. Via allegories he combines the philosophical worldview with mythical religion" (Ricken 1991 pp. 119-120). Xenocrates' interpretations of Plato's principles (particularly his attempt to order philosophic p rinciples into logic and mathematics) seriously supplemented the foundations of Platonist philosophy. Polemon of Athens became the Head of the Academy in 314

Friday, September 27, 2019

Pharmacology Oxybutinin Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pharmacology Oxybutinin - Case Study Example Patient reported no history of admission in hospital or any surgical operation being performed on him. He reported no instance of injury where there was involvement of the pelvic region. The patient only reported to have gone for checkups when in childhood he had a dizziness feeling and double vision. The patient is the fifth in the family and college student. There is no one in his family with the same condition. The patient reported no use of tobacco or alcoholic drink. No any illicit drug was reported to be used. The patient reported that he like cycling to school. He further reported that he is not involved in sexual activity. Family is likely noncontributory factor. The patient reported no difficulty of breathing. On further of review of system the patient did no report complains of chest pain, shortness of breath whether resting or on exertion. He also reported no orthopnea while lying down. Also on further review there was no reported paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. The patient did not report any chest pain related condition on questioning him. He reported no problem related with blood pressure. He reported no shortness of breath on activity done. The patient did not report paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea related to cardiac disease. The patient reported no shortness of breath, further he reported no snoring at night and apnea. On further review of system the patient did not report use of pillows while sleeping. Also reported no coughing at night and exertional apnea. The patient did not complained of abnormal bowel sound. The patient reported normal colour texture and consistency of stool. The patient reported normal appetite without deviation to the extreme. In addition, the patient reported no nausea and vomiting for the past days, he did not report constipation or diarrhea. The patient also did not complained dysphagia. The patient complained of polyuria and urgency of micturition. The patient reported no pain

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Health Law and Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Law and Ethics - Research Paper Example Petersburg, Florida, in a totally heart attack on 25th, February, 1990. She agonized huge brain impairment due to absence of oxygen and, in the next two and a half months in a loss of consciousness, her analysis was altered to vegetative condition. For a couple of years doctors tried physical and speech and therapy and other tentative therapy, anticipating to return her to a condition of responsiveness. In 1998 Michael, Schiavos husband, petitioned the 6th Circuit Court of Florida to confiscate feeding tube supporting her (America, H., 2006). He said he adores his wife and will do anything it takes to bring to an end the existence that he is certain she would not like to endure. He thought that she would like her feeding tube removed and that she would aspire to die instead of remaining in bed in a nurture home in a long-lasting vegetative condition for the remaining of her living days. The Schindler’s parents and the other siblings remained equally persuaded that Michael was wrong.   They said, Terri would like to be live, that she was not as brain-damaged as her husband thought, and that there was still optimism for her recovering irrespective of the point that she has be unsuccessful to show any slight improvement in the past 16 years. They dispute that there are still more actions to be tried and that since she was a Catholic, she would like to honor latest of Papal lessons that feeding tubes should not be detached from those in permanent vegetative condition (Alec & Newport, 2006). Michael was right when he said the tube to be detached and his beloved wife die this is because Ever since the Supreme Court permitted a respirator to be detached from Karen Ann Quinlan, U.S. Supreme Court stated that feeding tubes are medical cures just like antibiotics, heart-lung machines, respirators, and dialysis, it has been clear in U.S. legislation and medical beliefs that those who fail speaking can have their feeding tubes detached.   The power to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Crime fiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crime fiction - Essay Example Violence in the media is not confined only to fictional shows and does not serve only the purpose of shock value. Rather, as people face greater and greater exposure to the outside world at an earlier and earlier age and as they get more and more conditioned to learn through all five senses rather than just one, suddenly, being told about a murder isn’t enough. We need to see the murderer to be able to visualize it and have it feel real. If that fails to get the message through, we need to see the site of the crime and the people affected and the way it was done. It is less sadism as it is natural in us to want to grasp the full reality of something, and as the definition of that reality has changed over time, so have the depictions we are shown.News channels and television shows alike rely on graphic details to illustrate the full impact of a crime. Crime shows will often show gruesome depictions of these crimes through highly realistic make-up and body models, with these cri mes being described in highly intricate details. The problem however is that crime fiction isn’t classified as specifically for adults of a certain age and therefore these shows are shown in time slots where even children can have more or less unrestricted access to them. Violence on television isn’t as the same taboo as perhaps nudity or drug use might be, despite studies showing that it has negative effects just at par with them. Since property offences have no mass appeal, they are replaced by the more gory and exciting crimes of violence. Studies (Barker & Petley, 2001) have shown explained the popularity of crimes in these shows by the fact that it depicts life in a far more exciting light. Two men arguing are shown to resort to fist fights rather than drawing out legal orders through a long tedious process. Things happen faster and with exaggerated emotion and magnitude, exactly as we fantasize but never actually do. Television violence plays into these subconsci ous desires and fantasies and plays out for us in visual detail what fails to form into concrete thoughts in our minds.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ECOSYSTEM TOXIC THREAT RISK ASSESSMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ECOSYSTEM TOXIC THREAT RISK ASSESSMENT - Essay Example Transport can be the moving of people from one place to the next or the movement of goods and other items such as raw materials from their sources to the manufacturing site. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), vehicle exhaust fumes have been confirmed to contain carcinogens; a statement that is further confirmed by the World health Organization (WHO) which said that the fumes expelled by diesel vehicles contain a harmful amount of carcinogens that may harm people who take them in through breathing. The National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) back up this information by confirmation of the information stated above (Thakur and Haru 64). From the website, the toll of exhaust fumes to the environment is high since they affect a wide range of the components of the environment from human beings, animals and the environment in general. With components such as lead and sulfur emissions, there are many detrimental effects of exhaust fumes to the environment (Monosson 44). From the class notes and the course being undertaken, it has been proven that vehicle exhaust emissions form a large part of the green house gases that are responsible for the increase in the temperature of the earth in what is called global warming. While there is information from many sources against the high amounts of vehicle exhaust gases and fumes and their contribution to global warming in general, the website has an argument that depicts vehicle fumes as only having little effect on the environment compared to the other sources of pollution like industries. The author of this article argues that it is not right to put blame on vehicle exhaust fumes as the main cause of global warming when it is this area that had had the most improvement in terms of eliminating the negative impacts to the environment (Barrow 71). It is thus a great topic to choose upon given that is has a lot of information and topics for discussion. Section Two: Vulnerability of the Environment to Vehicle Fumes The impact of vehicle exhaust fumes is majorly chronic in its impact on the environment. Since the impact of many polluting elements is chronic to the environment, those of exhaust fumes follow the same path and have the same impact. This is due to the reason that it takes some time for the chemical elements in the fumes, which are mostly little in amount, to accumulate to harmful levels and thus affect the environment (Jones 86). The threat from vehicle exhaust fumes is also systemic (ecosystem) in nature given the fact that it affects the environment as a whole. The elements released by vehicles and the gases that accompany them add up to cause not only diseases in animals and human beings but also cause global warming that affects the whole ecosystem (Gupta 45). No specific species is targeted by the negative effects of these chemicals since they affect all the living species from plants to animals in equal measure. S ection Three: Risk Assessment The risk level from exhaust fumes is very real given that each day; a very large amount of fumes is released by vehicles all over the world. The number of vehicles owned especially by private individuals increases every single day given that more and more people are affording to buy vehicles for their personal use and other purposes. Even with efforts that are

Monday, September 23, 2019

Botticelli's spring and Michelangelo's creation of adam Essay

Botticelli's spring and Michelangelo's creation of adam - Essay Example Botticelli’s Primavera and the Birth of Venus are mythological paintings where storyline is seriously pursued with due respect to its mythological lineage. Goddess Venus is depicted as Virgin Mary in unique style. Michelangelo Buonarotti 1475-1564 was the most gifted painter of the Renaissance times, outshining other artists in fine art, sculptor, and architecture. The Creation of Adam – is central to his Sistine Chapel frescoes . Michelangelo’s faith in the outward beauty is reinforced through the Creation of Adam. This can be seen in his early poetry as well where he links beauty to divinity. The Creation of Adam is a wonder in art in the sense that he has made the touch of the Divine hand central to the picture and symbol of the power of the Creator. Michelangelo was responsible for transforming the history of culture. As Wolfff\lin in Classic Art, Trans. 1952 comments: â€Å"If any one man may be held responsible for major changes in the history of culture, that man was Michelangelo, who brought about the generalized heroic style and caused place and time to be disregarded’(Stokes, 1955: 106). The delineation of Sixteenth century dress and architecture was exaggerated not at the cost of characterization but to provide dignity in presentation, it was enlarged as ‘its flowers grew from the old soil, but they waxed bigger’(Stokes, 1955: 106). It was a period of resurgence of interest in the art and culture of Greece and Rome by European civilizations. It was a reaction to the rigidity of feudalism and Church of the medieval period where individual interests were subservient to society, ruled by feudal lords for material needs and Church for spiritual aspirations. The Renaissance started in the creation of city states like Venice, Florence, and Milan, self-sustaining and creating Franciscan humanism. Such states provided economic means to keep both ends meet to the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

African Americans Status in 1890 Essay Example for Free

African Americans Status in 1890 Essay There were many problems that African Americans faced in the 1890s some of which still exist in todays society. African Americans have come a long way and earned many rights but still live with the hardships that they had in the 1890s. The status of African Americans at this time in United States history was not good. Blacks had a very hard time living especially in the south. The problems that blacks dealt with were primarily found in the south where they were not accepted. Segregation became huge across the entire south after the Supreme Court ruled that Separate but equal was legal in the Plessy v. Ferguson case. Everything was separate but it was almost never equal. Whites always had things better than African Americans did. Blacks could not ride in the same train cars as whites. The national government gave blacks the right to vote but southern state governments took away that right through the use of poll taxes and literacy tests. A big problem that blacks faced was trying to stay alive. Many blacks were killed for no reason during this period of time. Jim Crow laws were set up to keep blacks from enjoying the same rights and privileges that whites enjoyed everyday. The Ku Klux Klan was set up by whites who had hatred for blacks. Blacks in the south feared for their lives and their families lives everyday. It was certain that African Americans would be confronted by racism each and everyday in the south. Relationships between blacks and whites have greatly improved in the last century but things still are not perfect and it is unlikely that they ever will be. The greatest changes were made during the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s when blacks stood up for themselves and gained their rights as American citizens. Laws were finally passed that made literacy tests and poll taxes illegal. Segregation came to an end after Brown v. Board of Education turned over the ruling made in Plessy v. Ferguson. There was no longer Separate but equal, it was now just equal. Although many big steps have been taken to stopping racism and segregation it still exists in our lives today. African Americans still see racism everyday even though they are now doing many things with whites. Blacks and whites have been able to peacefully interact with each other for decades but you still see newspapers talking about segregation and racism. The overall improvement has been very significant. Comparing todays society to the 1890s show a lot of good change yet there are still problems in our society with race relations.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Medias Influence on Civil Rights Movement Essay Example for Free

Medias Influence on Civil Rights Movement Essay â€Å"The brutality with which official would have quelled the black individual became impotent when it could not be pursued with stealth and remain unobserved. It was caught—as a fugitive from a penitentiary is often caught—in gigantic circling spotlights. It was imprisoned in a luminous glare revealing the naked truth to the whole world† – Martin Luther King (8, Kasher) The media controls the way the public views a controversial event. It can create the illusion that everything is perfect by leaving out important information, or can reveal the deplorable truth as the media did during the Civil Rights Movement. It was not always that way though, during the Colonial Era the media glossed over the brutality African Americans faced. It was not until the photography and recorders were invented that the media could really no longer deny the awful reality of the African Americans’ lives. With the Civil Rights Movement as an example, the media has evolved into a more reliable source. As history goes on, African Americans are being reported on more truthfully; the media has evolved into a more objective source containing more factual information. During 1700s, blacks were dehumanized and treated as animals; they cooked, gathered and did anything their master ordered. When they finally took a stance and decided to revolt they were lynched. Yet, in the eyes of the media whites were the heroes. Instead of reporting on the revolts with objectivity, the reporters commonly asserted their opinions into the articles, â€Å"In the past white news media ignored positive images of African American life† (10, Kasher). No matter what the incident was the â€Å"white man† always was superior. Through the media’s perspective, the whites were harmless and superior to the blacks. In an article from the Colonial Era when the slave revolts occurred the slaves were portrayed to be villains. The article stated, â€Å"They conspired to murder all the Christians here and by that means thinking to obtain their Freedom†¦ [They] put their bloody design in Execution and setting fire to a House, they stood prepared with Arms to kill everybody that approach’d to put it out and accordingly barbarously murdered the following persons that were running to the fire†¦This has put us into no small Consternation the whole Town being under Arms† (Boston News Letter, April 14, 1712). Besides objectivity, the article failed to inform the public of the brutalities the slaves faced everyday. Never did the article state what happened to the slaves after the incident either. However, when slavery was abolished the black man was not always viewed as the villain. Nonetheless they were definitely not treated equally compared to whites, which fueled their fight for equal rights. Without the media, the Civil Rights Movement would have never been successful. The pictures and videos of the violence the blacks tolerated from white supremacists helped their cause because the photos and videos were undeniable. No longer were the black people viewed as villains. â€Å"Scenes unthinkable to Americans as American were shown to America and all the world. Public Sympathy and financial support, as well as political backing, flowed to movement organizations† (8 Kasher). The Emmett Till Case was an amazing example of this, the Jet and Chicago Defender (both leading periodicals), reported on the story. The papers both included a picture of his swollen face as the aftermath of his horrific death. His case would transform the minds of many during that decade. From the attention the pictures of Emmett Till caused, the media recognized that shocking pictures made people want to read the articles. Also, the newspapers could not produce fake pictures, which forced them to be more truthful in their stories (Kasher 8). Currently, racism is still an issue in the United States but the press has helped bring awareness to the issue. For example, there are multiple blogs on how the world is still segregated even though there are no laws to support it. With the rise Internet, anyone is able to blog about their opinion on something or bring attention to a problem that is not being covered in the media. According to the book Blog! by David Kline and Dan Burstein, the average writer is over forty, which means there is not a lot of new and fresh ideas brought to the table for newspapers and magazines (373 Kline and Burstein). However, with the new and upcoming trend of blogging there are a variety of opinions and ideas. Also, social networking has enabled people to communicate faster and it’s harder for the government or press to hide certain information from the public in order for our countries reputation to be protected. In respect to racism and how the media reports on it, our country still has a long way to go but has come far. There are still the inevitable reports about African Americans being in gangs and shootings; however there are also stories of African Americans doing amazing things like becoming president. As the press learned during the Civil Rights Movement, people react more to shocking news so that’s probably why there is so many negative events that are broadcasted over the television and newspapers. The Internet has enabled the press to have more accurate and timely stories. The media has evolved into a more reliable source especially compared to Colonial Era. Also with all activity on the Internet the press is no longer the only source of information that the public can receive. That forces the media to be more truthful and value their reader’s trust.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Electronic Fuel Injection System Engineering Essay

The Electronic Fuel Injection System Engineering Essay The Electronic Fuel Injection system can be divided into three: basic sub -systems. These are the fuel delivery system, air induction system, and the electronic control system. The fuel delivery system consists of the fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel delivery pipe (fuel rail), fuel injector, fuel pressure regulator, and fuel return pipe. Fuel is delivered from the tank to the injector by means of an electric fuel pump. The pump is typically located in or near the fuel tank. Contaminants are filtered out by a high capacity in line fuel filter. Fuel is maintained at a constant pressure by means of a fuel pressure regulator. Any fuel which is not delivered to the intake manifold by the injector is returned to the tank through a fuel return pipe. The Air Induction System The air induction system consists of the air cleaner, air flow meter, throttle valve, air intake chamber, intake manifold runner, and intake valve. When the throttle valve is opened, air flows through the air cleaner, through the air flow meter (on L type systems), past the throttle valve, and through a well tuned intake manifold runner to the intake valve. Air delivered to the engine is a function of driver demand. As the throttle valve is opened further, more air is allowed to enter the engine cylinders. Mostly the L type EFI system measures air flow directly by using an air flow meter. The D type EFI system measures air flow indirectly by monitoring the pressure in the intake manifold. Electronic Control System The electronic control system consists of various engine sensors, Electronic Control Unit (ECU), fuel injector assemblies, and related wiring. The ECU determines precisely how much fuel needs to be delivered by the injector by monitoring the engine sensors. The ECU turns the injectors on for a precise amount of time, referred to as injection pulse width or injection duration, to deliver the proper air/fuel ratio to the engine. Basic System Operation Air enters the engine through the air induction system where it is measured by the air flow meter. As the air flows into the cylinder, fuel is mixed into the air by the fuel injector. Fuel injectors are arranged in the intake manifold behind each intake valve. The injectors are electrical solenoids which are operated by the ECU. The ECU pulses the injector by switching the injector ground circuit on and off. When the injector is turned on, it opens, spraying atomized fuel at the back side of the intake valve. As fuel is sprayed into the intake airstream, it mixes with the incoming air and vaporizes due to the low pressures in the intake manifold. The ECU signals the injector to deliver just enough fuel to achieve an ideal air/fuel ratio of 14.7:1, often referred to as stoichiometry. The precise amount of fuel delivered to the engine is a function of ECU control. The ECU determines the basic injection quantity based upon measured intake air volume and engine rpm. Depending on engine operating conditions, injection quantity will vary. The ECU monitors variables such as coolant temperature, engine speed, throttle angle, and exhaust oxygen content and makes injection corrections which determine final injection quantity. WHAT ONE HAS TO DO TO CONVERT CARB TO EFI IN CASE OF A CAR Heres what is required for complete conversion EFI head and intake manifold with everything still attached. Crossover tube, MAF sensor and air box Fuel tank with fuel pump Entire wiring harness from the car. EFI computer EFI distributor EFI coil/igniter EFI gauge set in the dash Knock sensor, main relay Anything else that was attached to the wiring harness Other things which are also essential LC Engineering EFI Pro cam Fel Pro head gasket set Fluids These are the steps Out with the old Air cleaner off valve cover off Head off Head on the bench with the intake removed. EFI intake and EFI head Carb head and EFI components installed Certain small things that we found were different were: There was some sort of smog device bolted to where the EFI fuel filter goes. It isnt used with EFI and was discarded as were the air tubes that go above the header. The high pressure fuel line has to be either made or salvaged. The vacuum hose for the brake booster is different between carb and EFI. The upper radiator hose is different between carb and EFI The good thing is that two of the plugs that go into the computer can be disconnected and are only go to the engine. So, if you unplug these from the intake, then pull the intake intact. The third plug has the power and other things going to it for the EFI. All game is to take your time and check each wire coming out of the computer. There seems to be only 3 components outside of the normal EFI stuff.   The main EFI relay located in the interior fuse panel under the drivers side dash. The circuit opening relay located under the passenger side dash. This is controlled by the MAF sensor and turns on and off the fuel pump. It is also tied into the main EFI relay. The solenoid resistor is connected to a switched power source (IGN) and goes to the fuel injectors. This is located in the engine compartment passneger side. Pretty much, the only thing that is not straight forward is how these three components are wired.   Mathematical Formulation; Top of Form Most EFI systems have a standard set of sensors. These include: The  Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor, which provides the ECU with the atmospheric air pressure reading. The  Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor, which provides the ECU with the engines current operating temperature. This is important because fuel vaporization varies for different engine temperatures. A cold engine requires more fuel while a hot engine requires less. The  Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor, which the ECU needs to take into account when determining pulse duration. The  Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor, which is a tube positioned after the air filter in the air intake duct. The MAF sensor has a fine platinum wire that spans across the tube. The wire is heated by electrical current to maintain a constant temperature above ambient. The air flow past the wire cools the wire and more current is required to maintain the constant temperature. Thus, the amount of current required to maintain the constant temperature indicates the air flow rate. The air flow rate is divided by RPM to determine the pulse duration. The  Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor, which uses manifold vacuum to measure engine load. An EFI system that uses a MAP sensor does not require a MAF sensor as it can use the input from the MAP sensor to determine the required pulse duration. The  Oxygen Sensor (O2S), which is used to measure the amount of oxygen that is not consumed during combustion. This is important for the correct operation of the catalyst converter and is used for emissions control rather than performance or economy. The O2S is located in the exhaust system and is an after-the-fact measure of the air/fuel ratio. Too much unburnt fuel in the exhaust indicates a lean mixture while too little oxygen indicates a rich mixture. The  Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor, which is important for timing purposes as it tells the ECU which spark plug to fire and which injector to open at any given point in the  Otto cycle. The  Throttle Position (TP) Sensor, which is another important sensor as the throttle position and the rate of change in the throttle position indicates the what the diver wants the car to do. Top of Form The modifications we can perform on an  OEM EFI  are somewhat limited because the OEM ECU is  not reprogrammable. However, there are a number of things we learned that we mechanical engineers do to modify the EFI system without having to reprogram the ECU. We can  increase the fuel pressure  as this is one reading that the ECU of a normal efi kit used in the cultus eg does not take into account it assumes the fuel pressure is a constant 30 psi(an estimated value given by Pak Suzuki ) above intake manifold pressure; we can  intercept the pulse signal  form the ECU, alter it using input from the manifold pressure and send it to the injector; we can  increase the injector nozzle size; or   increase the number of injectors. However, your best option, performance wise, is to install an  aftermarket ECU. In the next few pages well discuss each of these options. Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Top of Form There are a few important factors that our study shows that must be taken into account when  installing an efi engine. These are: the  pulse duration  of the injectors and the  duty cycle. The injector pulse duration is the amount of time that the injector is held open so that it can inject fuel into the combustion chamber. The pulse duration is controlled by the engine control unit (ECU) and is dependent on various sensors in the electronic fuel injection (EFI) system. The longer the pulse duration, the more fuel is added to the air/fuel mixture. The amount of fuel required at any one time varies by the amount of  air flow, the  air density, the  engine load, and the  engine temperature. Therefore the pulse duration will vary. However, there is only a limited amount of time that the injector can be held open at each revolution of the engine. This amount of time is reduced as  engine speed  increases. For example, at 600 RPM the available time is 0.1 seconds (60 seconds in a minute divided by 600 revolutions) but at 6,000 RPM it is only 0.01 seconds. The pulse duration relative to the available time at the engine  red line  is called the duty cycle and is expressed as a percentage. Thus a duty cycle of 80% means that at the engine red line the pulse duration (the amount of time the injector is help open) is 80% of the available time. Top of Form INCREASING THE DUTY CYCLE Top of Form INCREASING INJECTOR NOZZLE SIZE Top of Form Performance ECU Chips Top of Form Replacing the  stock ECU chip  with a  reprogrammed performance chip  is a good option for anything up to a 10% increase in engine power. This is mainly due to the way in which the stock ECU chip is programmed. In essence, the stock ECU is programmed for optimal performance at  peak torque  so as this ensures that the car is drivable at low engine speeds. As most cars would be driven at low engine speeds of up to 3,500 RPM, ensuring that the car drives perfectly at these engine speeds is perfectly reasonable; unless you want to modify your car! A reprogrammed performance chip will be programmed for optimal performance up to the  engine red line, releasing a moderate power increase but making the car less drivable at lower engine speeds. Top of Form THE FUEL PICKUP The fuel pickup should also get some consideration, especially on a modified street race car with a  steel fuel tank. On such vehicles the fuel level in the fuel tank can drop below the fuel pickup during  hard cornering  or  heavy acceleration  and  heavy braking  and can cause a momentary drop in fuel pressure and engine performance. The solution is to have a  secondary fuel pump  supply a small  fuel reservoir  or swirl pot that feels the primary fuel pumps. The fuel reservoir is a simple cylinder with an fuel inlet from the secondary pump at the side, a fuel return line at the top and fuel pickup lines to the primary pumps at the bottom. The fuel reservoir should have a capacity of at least 1 liter and should be mounted low, beside the fuel tank. With a fuel reservoir, the primary fuel pumps will always have a fuel supply even under hard cornering of heavy acceleration and braking conditions. Calculation on this bases were done and were utilized in MATLAB program Bottom of Form

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Plagiarism :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plagiarism is defined in the Encyclopedia Britannica Online as â€Å"the act of taking the writings of another person and passing them off as one's own†. In my own words I define it as the stealing of someone else’s literary work and taking credit for their writings. Sometimes it is done intentionally as an act of complete dishonesty. Someone may not want to exert the necessary effort required to research and write his or her own work. They assume it would be easier to just copy another author’s work. Another example of deliberate plagiarism is the buying or selling of papers, or hiring someone to write a paper. Most frequently, plagiarism occurs without the writer knowing that he or she is plagiarizing. Simply quoting an author without stating where the quote was taken from and citing the name of author is plagiarizing. If someone uses an authors style of writing and/ or word usage throughout his/her paper that is also considered plagiarism. Whether done intentionally or in error, plagiarism is a crime that can warrant serious penalties   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plagiarism is a severe problem because it has since become an epidemic and is being practiced at an alarmingly increasing rate. It has become widely accepted among students at many colleges and universities across the United States. It has gotten to the point that many students don’t even consider it cheating. This fact alone makes it even more serious and harder to control. It is now common practice to obtain someone else’s writing and turn it in as an original work. It is not difficult to purchase a pre-written paper or hire another individual to write a paper. Students are willing to pay whatever the cost so that they don’t have to do the work themselves. In fact, paper-selling services such as this have become quite a lucrative business. With the age of technology quickly advancing it has become all the more easily to plagiarize. The impact of the Internet on the plagiarism has been huge. You can find hundreds of websites that, for a fee, will offer papers on every topic imaginable. There are also websites that promise custom made papers written based on the requested criteria. The ease and availability offered through such sites has tempted even the most honest students. With the stress and pressure that the pursuit higher education can bring it is often a welcome release to have a ready-made paper at the stroke of key.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Proof Of The Exsistence of God :: essays research papers

Proof Of The Exsistence of God Either God exists or He doesn't. There is no middle ground. Any attempt to remain neutral in relation to God's existence is automatically synonymous with unbelief. It is far from a "moot" question, for if God does exist, then nothing else really matters; if He does not exist, then nothing really matters at all. If He does exist, then there is an eternal heaven to be gained (Hebrews 11:16) and an eternal Hell to be avoided (Revelation 21:8). The question for God's existence is an extremely important one. One might wonder why it is necessary to present evidence for the existence of God. As Edward Thomson so beautifully stated it: "...the doctrine of the one living and true God, Creator, Preserver, and Benefactor of the universe, as it solves so many problems, resolves so many doubts, banishes so many fears, inspires so many hopes, gives such sublimity to all things, and such spring to all noble powers, we might presume would, as soon as it was announced, be received by e very healthy mind." Some, however, contrary to their higher interests, have refused to have God in their knowledge and thus have become vain in their reasonings and foolish in their philosophy (Romans 1:21,22,28). They do not see the folly (Psalm 14:1) of saying there is no God. The Christian has not only the obligation to "give answer to every man that asketh you a reason concerning the hope that is in you..." (I Peter 3:15), but an obligation to carry the Gospel message to a lost and dying world (Mark 16:15-16, et al.). There will be times when carrying the Gospel message to the world will entail setting forth the case for the existence of God. In addition, we need to remember that Christians are not agnostics. The agnostic is the person who says that God's existence is unknowable. As difficult as it is to believe, some Christians take that same stance in regard to God's existence. They assert that they "believe" there is a God, but that they cannot know i t. They state that God's existence cannot be proved. `This is false!' God's existence is both `knowable' and `provable.' Acceptance of God's existence is not some "blind leap into the dark" as so many have erroneously asserted. The Christian's faith is not a purely emotional, subjective "leap," but instead is a `firm conviction' regarding facts based upon reasonable evidence. Proof Of The Exsistence of God :: essays research papers Proof Of The Exsistence of God Either God exists or He doesn't. There is no middle ground. Any attempt to remain neutral in relation to God's existence is automatically synonymous with unbelief. It is far from a "moot" question, for if God does exist, then nothing else really matters; if He does not exist, then nothing really matters at all. If He does exist, then there is an eternal heaven to be gained (Hebrews 11:16) and an eternal Hell to be avoided (Revelation 21:8). The question for God's existence is an extremely important one. One might wonder why it is necessary to present evidence for the existence of God. As Edward Thomson so beautifully stated it: "...the doctrine of the one living and true God, Creator, Preserver, and Benefactor of the universe, as it solves so many problems, resolves so many doubts, banishes so many fears, inspires so many hopes, gives such sublimity to all things, and such spring to all noble powers, we might presume would, as soon as it was announced, be received by e very healthy mind." Some, however, contrary to their higher interests, have refused to have God in their knowledge and thus have become vain in their reasonings and foolish in their philosophy (Romans 1:21,22,28). They do not see the folly (Psalm 14:1) of saying there is no God. The Christian has not only the obligation to "give answer to every man that asketh you a reason concerning the hope that is in you..." (I Peter 3:15), but an obligation to carry the Gospel message to a lost and dying world (Mark 16:15-16, et al.). There will be times when carrying the Gospel message to the world will entail setting forth the case for the existence of God. In addition, we need to remember that Christians are not agnostics. The agnostic is the person who says that God's existence is unknowable. As difficult as it is to believe, some Christians take that same stance in regard to God's existence. They assert that they "believe" there is a God, but that they cannot know i t. They state that God's existence cannot be proved. `This is false!' God's existence is both `knowable' and `provable.' Acceptance of God's existence is not some "blind leap into the dark" as so many have erroneously asserted. The Christian's faith is not a purely emotional, subjective "leap," but instead is a `firm conviction' regarding facts based upon reasonable evidence.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Van Den Berghs Ltd V Clark

INTRODUCTION In Malaysia, the Income Tax Act 1967 Section 3 sets the scope of income tax provided that income accrued in or derived from Malaysia would be tax. However, S3B of the Act specifically provides that income derived by an offshore company in respect of offshore business activity is not chargeable to income tax. The law governing the tax for such offshore business activity is the Labuan Offshore Business Activity Tax Act 1990 and not the Income Tax Act 1967. The Act imposes income tax on income, while capital gains are not chargeable to income tax.Generally, income has the characteristics of repetitive, flow from a source of income and received in the ordinary course of business. It must also be examined from the recipient's perspective. On the other hand, capital receipts are non-business income and it arises independently, that are not considered as business income and treated as capital gain. For instances, realisations from long term investment or personal assets are cap ital transactions. Such gains are capital receipts.Moreover, Commonwealth laws provided that the income source is not necessarily of one which is expected to be continuously productive, but it must be one whose object is the production of a definite return, excluding anything in the nature of a mere a windfall. Windfall, gambling or profits arising from speculative activities are capital gains and would not be subject to income tax. Also, cost saving is not income and would not be taxed. The distinction between ‘capital’ and ‘income’ is crucial as capital receipts generally escaped tax.Making the distinction between ‘capital’ and ‘income’ is never an easy task, especially in relation to the compensation on termination of a business contract. Generally, compensation for payment of services is income receipts while compensation for destruction of capital structure is capital receipts. The Act does not define ‘income’ or ‘capital’; therefore one needs to research through the cases laws for guidance. CASE LAW – Van den Berghs Ltd v Clark Fact A margarine manufacturer entered into business alliance agreements with a Dutch competitor.Following a dispute over amounts due to the company, the Dutch competitor paid ? 450,000 as damages for the cancellation of the company’s future rights under the agreements, which still had a number of years left to run. The issue arise whether the compensation was an income or capital receipt. Held The House of Lords held that this payment was a capital receipt of the company. In his judgement, Lord Macmillan propounded the â€Å"whole structure† test as the test for determining the nature of such compensation.His Lordship was of the opinion that these terminated contracts were not ordinary commercial contracts made in relation to the sale of goods but were related to the whole structure of the profit-making apparatus of the manufacturer. The contracts regulated the taxpayer’s activities, defined what the parties in the contract may or may not do and further affected the whole conduct of the business. As the compensation was related to the termination of that which was fundamental to the trader’s activities, it was therefore a capital receipt. CONCLUSION The case above illustrated the difficulty in distinguishing between income and capital.With the same facts, the High Court and Federal Court could arrive at different conclusions. It is therefore concluded that the question of income or capital is a question of law for the courts to decide. As summary, table below show the different of income and capital receipts. INCOME RECEIPTS| CAPITAL RECEIPTS| Chargeable to income tax| Not chargeable to income tax| Provision of services| Gift| Trading or adventure in the nature of trade| Profit from disposal of long term investment| Sale of short-term investment| Speculation, windfall gains, gambling| Sale of good s/trading stock| Sale of capital assets|REFERENCES Bibliography Chong, K. F. (2010). Advanced Malaysia Taxation (12 ed. ). Kuala Lumpur: InfoWorld. Chong, K. F. (2003). Compensation in Connection With Business Receipts-An Analysis of the Malaysian Experience. Malayan Law Journal , 30. Chong, K. F. (2006). Contemporary Issues on Income Tax and Real Property Gains Tax. ACCA Tax Publication , 38. Chong, K. F. (2010). Malaysian Taxation (16 ed. ). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: InfoWorld. Flynn, M. (1990). Distinguising between Income and Capital Receipts – A Search for Principle. Journal of Austrlian Taxation , 17. Mahalingham, S. (2005).Compensation for early contract terminations. Tax Adviser , 18. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Section 3, Income Tax Act 1967 [ 2 ]. Section 3B, Income Tax Act 1967 [ 3 ]. Enacted from Chapter 1 – Scope of Charge, Malaysia Taxation, 16th edition(2010 ) [ 4 ]. Enacted from article Contemporary Issues on Income Tax and Real Property Gains Tax by Chong, K. F. (2006). [ 5 ]. Van den Berghs ltd vs Clark (19 TC 390) [ 6 ]. Enacted from article Compensation for early contract terminations by Mahalingham, S. (2005). [ 7 ]. Enacted from Chapter 1 – Scope of Charge, Malaysia Taxation, 16th edition(2010)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Rawls Summary

Justice as Fairness Rawls first begins with discussing how we are lead to the original position. The original position is a hypothetical argument that considers a society where people do not decide what is right or wrong based on a higher power or emotion, but rather on common sense. These ideas establish justice or fairness simply based on the community’s beliefs that they create. However, these agreements cannot be made without the â€Å"veil of ignorance. † This means that all instances that would create a distortion of views must be ruled out.Thus, the people discussing what the rules will be cannot have any information about the other individual, or the society’s position. The hypothetical argument is contingent on all things being fair and equal, which means that all people involved in crating the beliefs must be free of any preconceived ideas. Another part of the equality of this situation is that every member of a society, including the minority, must be treated fairly. Rawls stated that every citizen had basic liberties and human rights that must be protected.He believed that societies need to protect the least advantaged citizen in order to be successful. We determine which citizens are least advantaged based on if they possess primary goods. Primary goods are what is needed to be a functioning and contributing member of society. These things are not necessarily monetary, but rather on psychological capabilities, historical facts, social capabilities, as well as, moral abilities being free and equal. Rawls believe that the five most important primary goods that determine advantage are basic rights and liberties, freedom to choose, responsibility, income and self respect.These things can make this hypothetical a reality and a society fair as equals. Let us begin with how we might be led to the original position and the reason for not using it. Now this agreement, like any other, must be entered into under certain conditions if it i s to be a valid agreement from the point of view of political justice. Contingent historical advantages and accidental influences from the past should not affect an agreement or principles that are to regulate the basic structure from the present into the future. Social and economic inequalities are to satisfy two conditions: first, they are to e attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality to opportunity; and second, they are to be to the greatest benefit of the least-advantaged members of society. These revisions in the second principle are merely stylistic. To accomplish its aims, certain requirements must be imposed on the basic structure beyond those of the system of natural liberty. A list of basic liberties are drawn up in two ways. To answer these questions we introduce the idea of primary goods. Income and wealth, understood as the purpose of all means.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Coffee Stand Essay

The proponents thought of a coffee business since Filipinos are known to be coffee – lovers. To satisfy consumer cravings, they came up with other blends of coffee, these blends will surely fulfill the cravings of the buyers. 1. 1 Project Proponents The proponents are composed of three (3) students from the College of Business taking up Hotel and Restaurant Management. The proponents have undergone series of brainstorming in order to come up this kind of business. Table 1: Proponents NAME| ADDRESS| NATIONALITY| OWNERSHIP| Paringit, Jerick U. | 78 Peras St. Bagong Barrio Caloocan City| Filipino| 33 1/3%| Lacabra, Elisha Grace V. | 43 Ero Bernardino Seminary St. Bagbag Novaliches| Filipino| 33 1/3%| Viloria, Vanessa DC. | 7 Pangako St. Bagong Barrio Caloocan City| Filipino| 33 /3%| 1. 2 Proposed Name of the Project The proponents named the business â€Å"Kofilicious† a combination of the words Coffee and delicious. It is a place where you can satisfy your coffee cravings at affordable prices. Kofilicious aims to serve blended coffees that are suited to the tastes of the customers. 1. 3 Type of Business Organization The proponents agreed to form a General Partnership with all three (3) partners. All of them will manage and participate in the business operation; each partner is subjected to contribute their share to come up with the required capital for the initial operation of the business. All of the proponents would be general partners with 33 1/3% shares each in capital requirement. 1. 4 Location of the business The Kofilicious will be located at the Walter Mart, North EDSA at the ground floor area. It is close to the LRT station, in front of Jackman. 1. 5 History of the business Initially, the proponents would like to start a Pizza Shop, a Restaurant or a Bar. However there is a difficulty in finding demand and supply of the main product. As time goes, the proponents have noticed that Filipinos are coffee lovers. So proponents were inspired by the idea of having a coffee shop. About the location, one of the proponent suggested to put up a business inside SM City San Lazaro at Felix Huertas St. Lacson Ave. Santa Cruz, Manila, but when they visited the said mall, the proponents found out that there are many direct and indirect competitors, so they searched for another location and found Walter Mart in North EDSA, Quezon City. It is a commercial place where it can achieve profitability through mall goers, students, employees. The most crucial factors that influenced the proponents in choosing what type of business project to establish and manage are (1) the need to obtain the necessary capital needed in establishing the business, (2) the marketability of the chosen project to ensure profit, and (3) the percentage and time needed to have return of investment in order to maintain and sustain the business project. Since the proponents are all students, capital is a limitation. The scale with which the business project will operate depends largely on the amount of money the proponents are able to commit to business. Nowadays, marketability of the product depends on the demand for the product. The project proponents chose food as their product because the marketability of beverages never decreases. As long as people drink, beverages will always be a top commodity. A survey conducted by the proponents showed that coffee is one of the most in-demand beverages. A little twist and little experiment, and the team came up with Kofilicious, coffee blended with other ingredients topped with whipped cream and wafer or wafer stick. CHAPTER 2 MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL The Kofilicous has a Stall Manager, Accountant, and two Store Personnel. Each personnel will work for eight hours a day, from Monday to Sunday. The term of payment will be given 15th and 30th of the month. The proponents choose personnel who have experienced and capability to work. 2. 1 Personnel The proponents formulate the policies, objectives and strategies to make the business productive and successful in its operation. The proponents will hire Stall Manager, an accountant, and store personnel. 2. 2 Personnel Requirements A. Stall Manager * Must be 21-35 years old * Must be a graduate of four year course which is related in Management, Hotel & Restaurant Management or any other business course * Must be willing to work on shifting hours * Must have passion about coffee. B. Store Personnel * Must be 18 to 25 years old * At least 5’4 in height (male) or 5’2 (female) * With pleasing personality * Must have at least college level of education * Must be hardworking & flexible * With skills in coffee mixing C. Accountant * Preferably a certified public accountant * With experience in financial statements preparation. 2. 2 Duties and Responsibilities A. Stall Manager * Oversees all the activities, * responsible for ensuring that the coffee shop maintains adequate supply levels, * maintains relationships with customers and staff, * identifies and estimates quantities of supplies to be ordered, * schedules staff work hours and activities, * organizes, plans, * bears the responsibility of ensuring that the coffee shop is adequately staffed, * makes sure employees are trained, * must handle all the advertising and promotion, * must manage the store and maintain the work flow and. * Must train the crews, and implements all the rules and policy. B. Store Personnel * are responsible for the preparation of coffee, * responsible for cleaning duties, * discover customer needs and appropriately suggest products with every customer to enhance service and meet sales goals, * Demonstrate the â€Å"Just Say Yes† behavior by taking care of customer needs, * Take responsibility to learn all aspects of the store personnel position, * are responsible for self-initiated learning, * enter purchases into cash register to calculate total purchase price, * accept cash payments, * count money, give change and issue receipt for funds received, * maintain sufficient amounts of change in cash drawer. * Keep register area neat and stocked with necessary supplies, * are responsible for inventory count, and * summarize daily sales and expense activities. C. Accountant * reports all financial matters to the owners, * prepares the business financial statements, * maintains of transaction records and the books of the firm, * manages the financial account of the business, * prepares the payroll. D. Proponents * oversee all work flow of the establishment, * Whenever the stall manager is not present, one of the proponents will be doing the after work inventory of sales. 2. 3 Organizational Chart Kofilicious adapted the line and staff organization that provides supplementing arms between the different levels of management. This type of organization is effective for good communication from top management to lower management. This form of organization is simple but helps avoid several organizational problems. FIGURE 1 Organizational chart STALL MANAGER Accountant STORE PERSONNEL 2. 3. 1 Proposed Rate of Salary Store personnel will be compensated on the number of hours and days of work they have ended. All employees will receive their salaries and wages every two (2) weeks. 2. 3. 2 Mode of Payment Payment of salaries and wages will be in the form of cash. Payment to be made twice in a month will be received by the employee on or before the 15th and 30th day of the month. 2. 4 Proposed Business Policies and Programs Be pleasant. Employees must wear a smile at all times. It should be part of daily operation. Be attentive. Employees must listen to every request made by the customers. Employees should exercise respect with customers at all times. Be patient. Employees must be patient in dealing with customers. They must exercise patience in order to please customers. Be accurate. Employees must give exact change at all times; make sure that accuracy is not only extended as to money matters, but in rendering service as well. The order is to be received correctly; the order is always to be repeated to the customer. Be loyal. Employees should give a loyal and honest service to the customer. Be observant. Employees must make it a habit to be on the lookout for little errors in service; and correct this in time. Be prompt. Employees must report for the duty promptly, and remain until relieved or until the manager has arranged for someone else to cover the work. Be clean. Employees must have a neat and clean appearance while on duty. Uniforms should be complete and in good order, properly buttoned and without spots or tear. They should observe proper hygiene daily. Management will not allow flashy jewelry, and excessive use of cosmetics. 2. 4. 1 Store Policies 1. The opening of the store is at 9:00 AM, exactly one hour before the actual opening of the mall, closing is at 10 in the evening. 2. All utensils used must be properly cleaned and sanitized after the operation, including the utility towels. 3. The crew should always wear their respective uniforms, caps, hairnet, and the nameplates provided by the company. 4. When the customer orders a product, the customer should be entertained and served in accordance with the span of time of making a blended coffee. 2. 4. 2 Uniforms All employees are required to wear their uniforms during working hours. The uniforms will be charged to the employee’s salary. The store uniform includes the following. a. Store shirt b. Pants c. Hairnet d. Cap and nameplate e. White socks and white clog shoes. 2. 4. 3 Attendance and Absences The company employs the strict observance on the attendance and absences of the employees or the following: 1. â€Å"No work, no pay policy† is strictly implemented. 2. Employees must work within the required hours and even during holidays, if necessary. 3. There will be a logbook and time card to have a record of the employees’ attendance. 4. Employees who intend to absent should inform the manager three hours prior to opening. 5. Employees who are absent for a day without any notice or permission to or from his/her manager are subject to: a. 1st offense- verbal warning b. 2nd offense- three-day suspension c. 3rd offense- six-day suspension d. 4th offense- discharge 6. Employees must be on time. A 15-minute grace period is allowed. Store hours will open at 10:00 a. m. as previously mentioned, but personnel are expected to be at the workplace one hour before opening time. 7. There will be a one-hour break per personnel, but this must be alternately done, that is, one personnel takes break, and the other one will be in-charge of the store, and vice versa 8. There is a one day-off, but it must be assigned and plotted by the manager. 2. 5 Proposed Management Style and Practices. The proponents will manage and supervise the operation of the business with the help of other people as their employees, and agreed to implement situational style of management in the supervision and operation in running the business. Considering the workers are one of the most valuable assets on our business, they must be treated fairly and with respect for them to work efficiently, effectively and productively. 2. 5. 1 Vision Kofilicious is committed to excellence. The partners are dedicated to offer not only the quantity but the quality of the proponents’ product, and the unparalleled service and love rendered to the people. 2. 5. 2 Mission To make Kofilicious a premium coffee house and to be competitive in coffee industry and its market. To be known through an excellent quality of coffee at affordable price with a strong reputation and consistent high growth in sales and profit. CHAPTER 3 MARKETING FEASIBILITY Coffee drinkers in the Philippines are among the most demanding ones. They favor well-brewed coffee drinks and demand great service. Kofilicous will strive to build a loyal customer base by offering a great tasting coffee located close to LRT Station. Our market research shows that 80% are the customer groups that are most likely to buy coffee. Since coffee consumption is universal, proximity to area of Walter Mart will provide access to the targeted customer. 3. 1 Market Description One of the major assumptions of this study is that the product can be patronized by all target market, since the proposed business is only small in scale. The target market population that the project covers is defined as the total estimate of people visiting the mall yearly. Since these people visit the mall and are free to go to any place at the mall, including the location of the project; all these people are potential customers. 3. 2 Demand. The computed demand was based from the survey the proponents conducted. The demand for the past five years and the projected five years are as follows: The survey showed that 80% of the respondents drink the traditional coffee. The respondents were also asked how frequent they drink coffee (given choice every day, once a week, twice a week). Respondents who chose â€Å"everyday† comprised 10% of the total subjects, â€Å"twice a week† comprised 30%, and â€Å"once a week† comprised 48%. The remaining 12% drink coffee for a frequency of â€Å"thrice a week to six times a week† – almost every day. This table illustrates the estimated demand for the product as defined by the percentages shown by the survey and the estimated population for the past five years Table 2 Frequency of Customer Demand for Possible Purchase Year| Total population| Interested to buy (80%) | Drinks coffee everyday(10%)| Once aWeek(48%)| Twice aWeek(30%)| Thrice to sixa week(12%)| 2011| 7,786| 6,229| 622| 2,990| 1,869| 747| The proponents conducted a survey at Walter Mart, North EDSA, Quezon City. This survey helped the proponents to know the number of respondents, target market and the total demand for coffee that the proponents need in the project. Based on 100 survey sheets that the proponents distributed, 80% of those people are willing to buy the product and 20% are those who are not willing to drink coffee. 3. 2. 1 Historical Demand Year| Total population| Interested to buy (80%)| Drinks coffee everyday(10%)| Once a week(48%)| Twice a week(30%)| Thrice a week(12%)| | | | | | | | 2007| 7,218| 5,774| 577| 2,772| 1,732| 692| 2008| 7,354| 5,883| 588| 2,824| 1,765| 705| 2009| 7,495| 5,996| 599| 2,878| 1,799| 719| 2010| 7,639| 6,111| 611| 2,933| 1,833| 733| 2011| 7,786| 6,229| 622| 2,990| 1,869| 747|. Year| Interested to buy(80%)| Total Demand(Annual)| 2007| 7,218| 607,004| 2008| 7,354| 618,441| 2009| 7,495| 630,299| 2010| 7,639| 642,409| 2011| 7,786| 654,771| Year| Total population| Interested to buy (80%)| Drinks coffee daily(10%)| Once a week(48%)| Twice a week(30%)| Thrice a week(12%)| Total Demand(Annual)| 2012| 7,935| 6,348| 634| 3,047| 1,904| 761| 667,301| 2013| 8,087| 6,470| 646| 3,105| 1,941| 776| 680,084| 2014| 8,242| 6,594| 659| 3,165| 1,978| 791| 693,119| 2015| 8,400| 6,720| 672| 3,226| 2,016| 806| 706,406| 2016| 8,561| 6,849| 684| 3,287| 2,055| 821| 719,945| 3. 2. 2 Projected Demand The Statistical straight line method was used to obtain the projected demand and based on the computed projection values, the proponents’ assessment is that there is a growing demand for coffee for the next five years. 3. 3 Supply Supply is the quality of goods that sellers are willing to sell out of given prices at a particular time and place. 3. 3. 1 Historical Supply The coffee may have a fixed price that could bring profile to the proponents or they have to sell it at whatever price it will fetch depending on the packaging. It is unlikely, however that they will continue to supply it if the price remain below the required amount to cover the cost and give the least profit. Competitors| Quantity sold per day | Zagu| 80| Coffee Break| 45| Tea Zone| 60| Competitors| Quantity sold per day in pcs. | Operating days| Total Supply| Zagu| 80| 360| 28,800| Coffee Break| 45| 360| 16,200| Tea Zone| 60| 360| 21,600| Annual Supply| | | 66,600| 3. 3. 2 Historical Supply Year| Competitor| Quantity sold/day in pcs| Operating days| Total Supply| 2007| -| -| 360| | 2008| -| -| 360| | 2009| 3| 179| 360| 193,320| 2010| 3| 182| 360| 196,560| 2011| 3| 185| 360| 199,800|. 3. 3. 3 Projected Supply Year| Competitor| Quantity sold/day in pieces| Operating days| Total Supply| 2012| 3| 188| 360| 203,040| 2013| 3| 191| 360| 206,280| 2014| 3| 194| 360| 209,520| 2015| 3| 197| 360| 212,760| 2016| 3| 200| 360| 216,000| 3. 4 Demand & Supply Analysis 3. 4. 1 Historical Demand Supply Gap Year| Demand| Supply| DS Gap| % Unsatisfied| 2007| 607,004| -| 7,218| 100%| 2008| 618,441| -| 7,354| 100%| 2009| 630,299| 193,320| 436,979| 69%| 2010| 642,409| 196,560| 445,849| 69%| 2011| 654,771| 199,800| 454,971| 69%| Year| Demand| Supply| DS Gap| % Unsatisfied| 2012| 667,301| 203,040| 464,261| 69%|. 2013| 680,084| 206,280| 473,804| 69%| 2014| 693,119| 209,520| 483,599| 69%| 2015| 706,406| 212,760| 493,646| 69%| 2016| 719,945| 216,000| 503,945| 70%| 3. 4. 2 Projected Demand Supply Gap 3. 5 Proposed Marketing Practices Marketing practices include the practices that affect the relationship between the wholesaler, distributor, manufacturer and the retailer. 3. 6 Proposed Marketing Program and Strategy Kofilicious main purpose is to satisfy customers’ needs specifically on their taste preference, and to provide quality and friendly service. In order to achieve the business mission, the proponents constructed different strategies. Marketing mix elements are price, place, product and promotion. A. Price Price is the one that creates sales revenues. The pricing strategy of Kofilicious is set to determine if the market is capable of purchasing. The product having affordable prices is a must. A buffer of 10% and a mark up 40% were added to the Total Food Cost to get the selling price. B. Place Proponents proposed project will be located inside Walter Mart North EDSA, this site is chosen in order to capture the target market. Walter Mart is known for being one of the most visited mall in the country. C. Product. This refers to tangible service. The brand name has a connection to the product, and in sense, customers will hopefully be back for more. There will be a variety of products for the customers to choose from to satisfy their wants and needs. Below are the following nutrition facts of each coffee blend: Cafe Vanilla Frappuccino Calories 270| Calories from Fat 100| Total Fat 11g| | Saturated Fat 7g| | Calories 220| Calories from Fat 25| Total Fat 2. 5g| | Cholesterol 10mg| | Total Carbohydrate 48g| | Sugars 46g| Protein 3g| Vitamin A 2%| | Mocha Frappuccino Trans Fat 0g| Cholesterol 35mg| Sodium 150mg|. Total Carbohydrate 42g| Dietary Fiber 0g| Sugars 40g| Protein 4g| Vitamin A 8%Iron 4%Ricoa’s ChocolateCalories 290 Calories from fat 190 % Daily valueTotal Fat 13g 20%Saturated Fat 7g 35%Cholesterol 45mg 15%Sodium 115mg 5%Total Carbohydrates 39mg 13%Sugars 32gProtein 11gVitamin A 15%Calcium 35%Iron 15%Caffe LatteCalories 150 Calories from fat 50 % Daily valueTotal Fat 6g 9%Saturated Fat 3. 5g 18%Cholesterol 25mg 8%Sodium 115mg 5%Total Carbohydrates 14g 5%Sugars 13gProtein 10gVitamin A 10%Calcium 35%Caramel MacchiatoCalories 180 Calories from fat 45 % Daily valueTotal Fat 5g 8%Saturated Fat 3. 5g 18%Cholesterol 20mg 7%Sodium 100mg 4%Total Carbohydrates 25g 9%Sugars 23gProtein 8gVitamin A 10%Calcium 35%| D. Promotion| One of the Marketing Promotion tools used are tarpaulin, flyers and discount stubs. For the opening of the store there are 50 pcs. discount cards to be distributed, the stall will also distribute of 100 pcs. flyers and will post a tarpaulin besides the stall for the consumer to have the idea what products are being offered. (3. 7 Project Sales, see page 79) CHAPTER 4 Technical/Production Production is a major step in the series of economic process that brings goods and services to people. Producing a product that would cater to high level of customers satisfaction is one of the requirements for the proponents to cope with today’s successful companies. In this part, the proponents will discuss the production flow chart, project site, layouts and production schedule, facilities, floor plan, machine and equipment, utilities and raw materials. 4. 1 Product Description Kofilicious will serve different flavors. Every product is composed of different ingredients. The proponents decided to make a unique blend of coffee to satisfy the customers. These product items and ingredient are as follows: Vanilla Cappuccino. ? c Fresh Milk 2 tsp. Sugar 1 tsp. Vanilla Syrup 2 T Coffee 1 tsp. Cinnamon 2 T Whipped Cream ? c Ice Cubes Mocha Frappuccino ? cFresh Milk 2 TRegular Coffee 2 TWhipped Cream 2 oz. Milk Magic Chocolate 3 TSugar 1 cIce Cubes Ricoa’s Chocolate Drink ? cFresh Milk 120 gRicoa’s Cocoa 3 TSugar 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract 1 cIce Cubes 2 TWhipped Cream Cafe Latte 1 oz. Espresso, brewed 1 oz. Condensed Milk 1cIce Cubes 1 tsp. Cinnamon 2 TWhipped Cream Caramel Latte Macchiato ? cSteamed Milk 1 tsp. Vanilla Syrup 1 oz. Espresso, brewed 1 TCaramel Syrup 2 T Whipped Cream 1 cIce Cubes 4. 2 Production Process. Production process starts with cleaning of the section. Then begin for preparation of the ingredients, followed by the setting of equipment, measuring ingredients, inspection of quality and then storing the ingredients. Vanilla Cappuccino 1. In a blender, put the fresh milk, sugar, vanilla syrup, and coffee. 2. Blend it for a second just to mix all the ingredients. 3. Then add the ice cubes and blend. 4. Put in a cup, top with whipped cream, cinnamon and your choice of toppings (either wafer or wafer stick). Mocha Frappuccino 1. Put the fresh milk, regular coffee, milk magic chocolate and sugar in a blender. 2. Blend it for a second just to mix all the ingredients. 3. Then add the ice cubes then blend. 4. Put in a cup and top with whipped cream and choice of toppings (either wafer or wafer stick). Ricoa’s Chocolate Drink 1. In a blender, put the fresh milk, ricoa’s cocoa, sugar and vanilla extract. 2. Blend it for a second just to mix all the ingredients. 3. Then add the ice cubes and blend. 4. Put in a cup and top with whipped cream and choice of toppings (either wafer or wafer stick). Cafe Latte 1. Put the brewed espresso and condensed milk. 2. Blend it for a second just to mix all the ingredients. 3. Then add the ice cubes and blend. 4. Put in a cup and top with whipped cream, cinnamon and choice of toppings (either wafer or stick-o). Caramel Latte Macchiato 1. In a blender, put the steamed milk, vanilla syrup, brewed espresso, and caramel syrup. 2. Blend it for a second just to mix all the ingredients. 3. Then put the ice cubes and blend. 4. Put in a cup and top with whipped cream and choice of toppings (either wafer or wafer stick). 4. 3 Flow Diagram Operation A production process can be defined as any activity that increase the similarity between the pattern of demand-goods, the quantity form and the distribution of these goods available to the market place. LEGEND * Operation * Transportation 4. 3. 1 Production Process 1. Cleaning the area 2. Setting of the equipment 3. Preparing of the ingredients 4. Mixing the ingredients 5. Presentation 6. Serving 4. 3. 2 Service Flow Customer Kofilicious Personnel 4. 4 Materials Handling Design The materials requested for the daily operation of the business will be purchased by the proponents every week. One of the staff will inspect the process of production. The store will be using FIFO or First- In First Out as its inventory method. Materials are kept in safe and secured storage. 4. 5 Project Site The project is located inside Walter Mart, North EDSA, Quezon City. The project site has a total area of 3 meters by 2 meters. The site was chosen because the business is located near public and private offices and residences. 4. 6 Project Layout The food stand is about 8ft. in height, 4 ft. length and 3ft. in width. For the proponents the area is big enough to meet the production and selling operation of the business, the storage and other equipment could still be accommodated in the proposed area. 4. 7 Plant Size and Production Schedule The proponents chose the proposed business at the first level of Walter Mart, North EDSA Quezon City with a floor area of 3 meters by 2 meters. Table – Personnel Schedule: | Stall Manager| Store Personnel (1)| Store Personnel (2)| Monday| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| 08:00 a. m -04:00 p. m| | Tuesday| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| OFF| Wednesday| OFF| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| Thursday| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| OFF| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| Friday| OFF| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| Saturday| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p.m| Sunday| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| 10:00 a. m -7:00 p. m| 4. 8. Floor Plan The stall has a total area of 3 by 2 meters which will have the operation area and the product display area. It has enough space for three personnel. The lease term is two months in advance and one month deposit. 4. 9 Utilities As for utilities, water supplied by Maynilad and electricity from Meralco will be included in the rental fee. The business will be charged Php 30,000. 00 every month with a 10% increase on rent per year. 4. 10 Coffee Materials Vanilla Cappuccino (8oz/240ml) Quantity| Ingredients| Wt. in g/ml| Product Cost| Unit Cost| Food Cost| ? c| Fresh Milk| 60 ml| P 62. 15/1000 ml| 0. 06| P 3. 60| 2 tsp. | Sugar| 10 g| P54. 00/1000 g| 0. 054| P 0. 54| 1 tsp. | Vanilla Syrup| 5 ml| P 10. 00/30 ml| 0. 33| P 1. 65| 1 tsp. | Coffee, strong| 5 g| P 66. 95/100 g| 0. 67| P 3. 35| 1 tsp. | Cinnamon| 5 g| P 38. 35/30 g| 1. 28| P 6. 40| 1 T| Whipped Cream| 15 ml| P 43. 20/250 ml| 0. 17| P 2. 55| ? c| Ice Cubes| 120 g| P 5. 00/1000g| 0. 005| 0. 60| Total Food Cost P 18. 69 +10% Buffer P 1. 87 Total cost P 20. 56 Mark-up 40% P 8. 22 Selling Price P 28. 78 or P 29. 00 Profit P 10. 00 Vanilla Cappuccino (12 oz./360ml). Quantity| Ingredients| Wt. in g/ml| Product Cost| Unit Cost| Food Cost| ? c| Fresh Milk| 120 ml| P 62. 15/ 1000ml| 0. 06| P 7. 20| 3 tsp. | Sugar| 15 g| P 54. 00/1000g| 0. 054| P 0. 81| 2 tsp. | Vanilla Syrup| 10 ml| P 10. 00/30 ml| 0. 33| P 3. 30| 2 tsp. | Coffee, strong| 10 g| P 66. 95/100 g| 0. 67| P 6. 70| 1 tsp. | Cinnamon| 5 g| P 38. 35/30 g| 1. 28| P 6. 40| 2 T| Whipped Cream| 30 ml| P 43. 20/250 ml| 0. 17| P 5. 10| ? c| Ice Cubes| 180 g| P 5. 00/1000 g| 0. 005| P 0. 90| Total Food Cost P 30. 41 +10% Buffer P 3. 04 Total cost P 33. 45 Mark-up 40% P 13. 38 Selling Price P 46. 83 or P 47. 00 Profit P 16. 00 Mocha Frappuccino (8 oz. /240 ml) Quantity| Ingredients| Wt. in g/ml| Product Cost| Unit cost| Food Cost| ? c| Fresh Milk| 60 ml| P 62. 15/1000 ml| 0. 06| P 3. 60| 1 tsp. | Coffee, strong| 5 g| P 66. 95/100 g| 0. 67| P 3. 35| 1 T| Whipped Cream| 15 ml| P 43. 20/250 ml| 0. 17| P 2. 55| 1 oz. | Milk Magic Chocolate| 30 ml| P62. 15/1000 ml| 0. 06| P 1. 80| 2 tsp. | Sugar| 10 g| P 54. 00/1000 g| 0. 054| P 0. 54| ? c| Ice Cubes| 120 g| P 5. 00/1000 | 0. 005| P 0. 60| Total Food Cost P 12. 44 +10% Buffer P 1. 24 Total cost P 13. 68 Mark-up 40% P 5. 47 Selling Price P 19. 15 or P 20. 00. Profit P 7. 00 Mocha Frappuccino (12 Oz. /360 ml) Quantity| Ingredients| Wt. in g/ml| Product cost| Unit cost| Food cost| ? c| Fresh Milk| 120 ml| P 62. 15/1000 ml| 0. 06| P 7. 20| 2 tsp. | Coffee, strong| 10 g| P 66. 95/100 g| 0. 67| P 6. 70| 2 T| Whipped Cream| 30 ml| P 43. 20/250 ml| 0. 17| P 5. 10| 2 oz. | Milk Magic Chocolate| 60 ml| P 62. 15/1000 ml| 0. 06| P 3. 60| 3 tsp. | Sugar| 15 g| P 54. 00/1000 g| 0. 054| P 0. 81| ? c| Ice Cubes| 180 g| P 5. 00/1000 g| 0. 005| P 0. 90| Total Food Cost P 24. 31 +10% Buffer P 2. 43 Total cost P 26. 74 Mark-up 40% P 10. 70 Selling Price P 37. 44 or P 38. 00 Profit P 13. 00 Ricoa’s Chocolate drink (8oz. /240 ml) Quantity| Ingredients| Wt. in g/ml| Product cost| Unit cost| Food cost| ? c| Fresh Milk| 60 ml| P 62. 15/1000 ml| 0. 06| P 3. 60| 60 g| Ricoa’s Cocoa| 60 g| P 52. 85/200 g| 0. 26| P 15. 60| 2 tsp. | Sugar| 10 g| P 54. 00/1000 g| 0. 054| P 0. 54| 1 tsp. | Vanilla Extract| 5 ml| P 10. 00/30 ml| 0. 33| P 1. 65| ? c| Ice Cubes| 120 g| P 5. 00/1000 g| 0. 005| P 0. 60| 1 T| Whipped Cream| 15 ml| P 43. 20/250 ml| 0. 17| P 2. 55| Total Food Cost P 24. 54 +10% Buffer P 2. 45 Total cost P 26. 99 Mark-up 40% P 10. 80 Selling Price P 37. 79 or P 38. 00. Profit P 13. 00 Ricoa’s Chocolate drink (12 oz. /360 ml) Quantity| Ingredients| Wt. in g/ml| Product cost| Unit cost| Food cost| ? c| Fresh Milk| 120 ml| P 62. 15/1000 ml| 0. 06| P 7. 20| 80 g| Ricoa’s Cocoa| 80 g| P 52. 85/200 g| 0. 26| P 20. 80| 3 tsp. | Sugar| 15 g| P 54. 00/1000 g| 0. 054| P 0. 81| 1 tsp. | Vanilla extract| 5 ml| P 10. 00/30 ml| 0. 33| P 1. 65| ? c| Ice cubes| 180 g| P 5. 00/1000 g| 0. 005| P 0. 90| 2 T| Whipped Cream| 30 ml| P 43. 20/250 ml| 0. 17| P 5. 10| Total Food Cost P 36. 46 +10% Buffer P 3. 65 Total cost P 40. 11 Mark-up 40% P 16. 04 Selling Price P 56. 15 or P 57. 00 Profit P 20. 00 Cafe Latte (8oz. /240 ml) Quantity| Ingredients| Wt. in g/ml| Product cost| Unit cost| Food cost| 10 ml| Espresso ,brewed| 10 ml| P 60. 00/60 ml| 1| P 10. 00| ? oz. | Condensed Milk| 15 ml| P 30. 75/300 ml| 0. 10| P 1. 50| ? c| Ice cubes| 120 g| P 5. 00/1000 g| 0. 005| P 0. 60| 1 tsp. | Cinnamon| 5 g| P 38. 35/30 g| 1. 28| P 6. 40| 1 T| Whipped cream| 15 ml| P 43. 20/250 ml| 0. 17| P 2. 55| Total Food Cost P 21. 05 +10% Buffer P 2. 11 Total cost P 23. 16 Mark-up 40% P 9. 26 Selling Price P 32. 42 or P 33. 00 Profit P 11. 00 Cafe Latte (12 oz. /360 ml) Quantity| Ingredients| Wt. in g/ml| ProductCost| Unit cost| Food cost| 15 ml| Espresso, brewed| 15 ml| P 60. 00/60 ml| 1| P 15. 00| 20 ml| Condensed milk| 20 ml| P 30. 75/300 ml| 0. 10| P 2. 00| ? c| Ice cubes| 180 g| P 5. 00/1000 g| 0. 005| P 0. 90| 1 tsp. | Cinnamon| 5 g| P 38. 35/30 g| 1. 28| P 6. 40| 2 T| Whipped Cream| 30 ml| P 43. 20/250 ml| 0. 17| P 5. 10| Total Food Cost P 29. 40 +10% Buffer P 2. 94 Total cost P 32. 34 Mark-up 40% P 12. 94 Selling Price P 45. 28 or P 46. 00 Profit P 16. 00 Caramel Latte Macchiato (8 OZ. /240 ml) Quantity| Ingredients| Wt. in g/ml| Product Cost| Unit Cost| Food Cost| ? c| Steamed Milk| 60 ml| P 61. 80/1000 ml| 0. 06| P 3. 60| 1 tsp. | Vanilla Syrup| 5 ml| P 10. 00/30 ml| 0. 33| P 1. 65| 10 ml| Espresso, brewed| 10 ml| P 60. 00/60 ml| 1| P 10| 2 tsp. | Caramel syrup| 10 ml| P 59. 15/120 ml| 0. 43| P 4. 30| 1 T| Whipped cream| 15 ml| P 43. 20/250 ml| 0. 17| P 2. 55| ? c| Ice cubes| 120 g| P 5. 00/1000 g| 0. 005| 0. 60| Total Food Cost P 26. 30 +10% Buffer P 2. 63 Total cost P 28. 93 Selling Price P 40. 50 or P 41. 00 Profit P 14. 00 Caramel Latte Macchiato (12 oz. / 360 ml) Quantity| Ingredients| Wt. in g/ml| Product Cost| Unit Cost| Food Cost| ? c| Steamed milk| 120 ml| P 61. 80/1000 ml| 0. 06| P 7. 20| 1 tsp. | Vanilla syrup| 5 ml| P 10. 00/30 ml| 0. 33| P 1. 65| 15 ml| Espresso, brewed| 15 ml| P 60. 00/60 ml| 1| P 15. 00| 3 tsp. | Caramel syrup| 15 ml| P 59. 15/120 ml| 0. 43| P 6. 45| 2 T| Whipped cream| 30 ml| P 43. 20/250 ml| 0. 17| P 5. 10| ? c| Ice Cubes| 180 g| P 5. 00/1000 g| 0. 005| P 0. 90| Total food Cost P 36. 30 +10% Buffer P 3. 63 Total cost P 39. 93 Mark-up 40% P 15. 97 Selling Price P 55. 90 or P 56. 00 Profit P 19. 00 Costs for packaging Materials| Product Price| Plastic Cups (8 oz. )| P 47. 50/50 pcs. | Plastic Cup (12 oz. )| P 51. 50/50 pcs. | Straw| P 75. 00/200 pcs. | Tissue| P 40. 00/bundle| TOTAL:| P 214. 00| 4. 11 Equipment, Kitchen Tools & Packaging Requirements Equipment Item| Quantity| Unit Cost| Total Cost| Food Kiosk| 1| P 40,000| P 40,000| Blender| 2| P 1,200| P 2,400| Freezer| 1| P 9,847. 00| P 9,847. 00| Coffee Maker| 1| P 2,100| P2,100| | | Total:| P 54, 347. 00| Kitchen Tools Item| Quantity| Unit Cost| Total Cost| Measuring Cup| 2 set| 60| P 112. 00| Measuring Spoon| 2 set| 80| P 160. 00| Plastic Container| 6| | P150. 00| Kitchen Scissors| 1| P 30. 00| P 30. 00| | | Total:| P 452. 00| Packaging Requirement Item| Quantity| Amount| Total| Plastic cup| 50 pcs. | 0. 60| P 30. 00| Plastic straw| 50 pcs. | 0. 18| P 17. 50| Tissue| 1,000 pcs. | 0. 005| P 50. 00| | | Total:| P 97. 50| 4. 12 Man Power Requirements Manpower Requirement Position| No. | Work load| Basic Rate| Stall Manager| 1| Eight hours a day| Share to the capital| Accountant| 1| Twice a month| 1,500. 00/visit*2/month. Php 3,000. 00| Store Personnel| 2| Eight hours a day| 404/day*26days/month. P 10,504. 00| 4. 13 Wastes and Waste disposal Kofilicous will implement proper ways of disposing solid and liquid wastes. Solid wastes include used cups and plastic straws.